Epic Games 上市日期 17/07/21 平台 堡壘之夜 版本 免費 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 主遊戲 《Fortnite》 《Fortnite》 免費 新增至購物車 新增至願望清單 追蹤我們 Epic 玩家評分 擷取自 Epic Games 生態系的玩家。 這款遊戲的 玩家競爭激烈 這款遊戲 ...
©2025 Epic Games, Inc.保留所有權利。 Epic、Epic Games、Epic Games標誌、Unreal、Unreal Engine、UE5、Unreal Engine標誌、Fortnite、Fortnite標誌、Fortnite Festival和Rocket Racing是Epic Games, Inc.在美國和其他地方的商標或注冊商標。Rocket League ©2025 Psyonix LLC. LEGO和LEGO標誌是LEGO Group的商標...
©2025 Epic Games, Inc.保留所有權利。 Epic、Epic Games、Epic Games標誌、Unreal、Unreal Engine、UE5、Unreal Engine標誌、Fortnite、Fortnite標誌、Fortnite Festival和Rocket Racing是Epic Games, Inc.在美國和其他地方的商標或注冊商標。Rocket League ©2025 Psyonix LLC. LEGO和LEGO標誌是LEGO Group的商標...
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Lego Fortnite was "the first play experience" to come from the partnership between Epic and toymaker Lego Group, which plan to bring more digital games for children and families, the two companies said. Epic Games last year said it had raised $2 billion from Sony Group Corp and the family...
Epic Game Store was developed and published by Epic Games, the developers of the massive phenomenon that isFortniteamong many other successful games. The game store was conceived as a challenger to Steam by offering developers a more advantageous deal when it comes to the revenue split for game...
在《Battle Royale》、《Zero Build》、《Reload》和《Fortnite OG》中成為最後存活的玩家,在LEGO《Fortnite》中探索,在《Rocket Racing》中衝向終點,或者在《Fortnite Festival》成為演唱會的大團。 與朋友一起玩數以千計的免費建造者島嶼遊戲,包括死亡賽車、大亨、賽車、殭屍生存戰等等! 加入創作者社群,使用《...