Sidney J. Furie directs this 1972 film that tells the story of the life of Billie Holliday, portrayed by Diana Ross. It centers around her struggles and heavy drug use, throughout the majority of her young life. Nicknamed Lady D, Holiday had a ma...
Chemotherapy drugs are most effective when given in combination. The rationale for combination chemotherapy is to use drugs that work by different mechanisms, thereby decreasing the likelihood that resistant cancer cells will develop. When drugs with different effects are combined, each drug can be use...
Remind your pharmacist to bill the First Health/EPIC Medicare drug discount card with the $600 credit first. Then, your pharmacist should submit any remaining drug costs to EPIC. You will only have to pay the EPIC co-payment, which in most cases will be lower by using your Medi...
The group of us talk him into the next phase of the plan, with all of us as lookouts to ensure his absolute safety despite everyone on their bikes ready to book it at the drop of the turd itself. He climbs on the hood of the pickup truck with one hand holding the newspaper and t...
Tribeca Film Festival(NY) Philly Beer Festival(February) By the People Art Festival(Washington D.C in June) Washington DC is a must-see if you are going on an East Coast road trip. Things to Do in 7 Days on the East Coast Boston: ...
neurodegenerative disease; fluorescence imaging; imaging probe; drug discovery; therapeutic strategy; epichaperomes; click probes Graphical Abstract1. Introduction Neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and related central nervous system (CNS) disorders...
Keywords: infections;intensive care unit;antimicrobial stewardship;infection control;drug resistance;bacterial;point prevalence study