10 published in the Federal Register updated national water quality criteria for protecting aquatic life from the chemical acrolein (74 Fed. Reg. 46,587).rnThe criteria, based on EPA's Guidelines for Deriving Numerical National Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Aquatic Organisms and ...
EPA is defending its 2017 decision to deny a petition from environmentalists seeking new aquatic life water quality criteria for Washington state, telling a federal district court that environmentalists have failed to meet the bar for judicial intervention. “Only in the ‘rarest and most compellin...
WaterQualityCriteriaB Nonylphenol FINAL EPA-822-R-05-005 AmbientAquaticLifeWaterQualityCriteria Nonylphenol (CASRegistryNumber84852-15-3) (CASRegistryNumber25154-52-3) FINAL December2005 U.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgency OfficeofWater OfficeofScienceandTechnology ...
EPA Releases Draft Criteria for Carbaryl, With Proposed Limit to Protect Aquatic LifeThe Environmental Protection Agency is soliciting scientific views on draft water quality criteria for protecting aquatic life from the effects of carbaryl. The draft aquatic life criteria, published Nov. 1, offer ...
Aquatic life water quality criteria derived via the UC Davis method: III. Diuron. Diuron is a phenylurea herbicide that has been frequently detected in surface waters (the US Environmental Protection Agency, USEPA 2003), including perio... TL Fojut,AJ Palumbo,RS Tjeerdema - Springer US 被引量...
Municipal and commercial dischargers supported the bill as a way of creating more attainable water quality standards. Permitees were unable to meet the numeric criteria without variances, they argued; a system of narrative criteria, which was on the books in the past, would allow for more flexib...
These actions include: 1) the change in the cancer potency factor for total PCBs reported in EPA's Integrated Risk Information System, and 2) the issuance of a revised methodology for deriving ambient water quality criteria for the protection of human health in the fall of 2000. The latter ...
Pollutants from industrial facilities that are carried by stormwater, if not properly managed, can impact water quality and aquatic life. This occurs when rainwater washes over surfaces at industrial sites, picking up harmful pollutants like chemicals, metals, and sediments before flowing offsite into...
Method 1669: Sampling Ambient Water for Trace Metals at EPA Water Quality Criteria Levels. January 1996.(NTIS / PB96-193313 or NEPIS / http://www.epa.gov/clariton/clhtml/pubtitleOW.html or CD ROM)EPA 821/R-96-012Method 1631: Mercury in Water by Oxidation, Purge and Trap, and Cold...
or they may demonstrate to the permitting authority that the intake velocity meets the specified design criteria. EPA estimates that more than half of the facilities that could be impacted by this proposed rule already employ readily available technologies that are likely to put them into compliance...