USEPA-Water Quality Criteria–Correction-1999.pdf,United States Office of Water EPA 822-Z-99-001 Environmental Protection 4304 April 1999 Agency EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria– Correction SUMMARY: EPA is publishing a compilation of its
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) is tasked with revising water quality criteria by 2012; however, the locations traditionally studied by the USEPA are not representative of the GoM and this has raised concern about whether or not the new criteria will be appropriate. This...
epa基酚水生水质criteria生物 UnitedStatesEnvironmentalOfficeofWaterEPA-822-R-05-005ProtectionAgency4304TDecember2005AquaticLifeAmbientWaterQualityCriteriaBNonylphenolFINALEPA-822-R-05-005AmbientAquaticLifeWaterQualityCriteriaNonylphenol(CASRegistryNumber84852-15-3)(CASRegistryNumber25154-52-3)FINALDecember2005U.S...
Deeper water zones provide a completely exposed water surface for atmospheric re-aeration and submerged vegetation provides an additional source of oxygen for nitrification. The deeper water zones will also attract and retain a large variety of wi...
DESIGN CRITERIA 设计标准 Published models for the pollutant removal design of FWS wetland systems have been available since the late 1980’s. More recent efforts have produced three textbooks containing design models for FWS wetlands (Reed, et al., 1995; Kadlec & Knight, 1996; Crites & Tchoba...
A state water quality standard consists of a designated use or uses of a water body or a segment of a water body, the water quality criteria that are necessary to protect the designated use or uses, and an antidegradation policy. These water quality standards serve two purposes: (1) they...
Framework for developing suspended and bedded sediments (SABS) water quality criteria 总在论坛里找资源,所以也希望能为论坛贡献一点自己的力量,有需要的就下吧~书籍名称:Framework for developing suspended and bedded sediments (SABS) water quality criteria 书籍作者:United States Environmental Protection Agency;...
With the quality control tools more assurances of good data are possible. In summary, Method TO-15 provides information on alternative water management systems that allow for the analysis of polar compounds, has a more complete quality control section, provides performance criteria for any monitoring...
With the quality control tools more assurances of good data are possible. In summary, Method TO-15 provides information on alternative water management systems that allow for the analysis of polar compounds, has a more complete quality control section, provides performance criteria for any monitoring...
water quality criteria to protect human health, pursuant to Section 304(a) of the Clean Water Act, and to serve as guidance to States and authorized Tribes for developing their own water quality criteria. This guidance does not substitute for the Clean Water Act or EPA’s regulations; nor ...