Survey of Protocols for Conducting Indoor Air Quality Investigations in Large Buildings. June 1992. (NTIS / PB93-119865)EPA 600/R-92-033Characterizing Heterogenoeous Wastes: Methods and Recommendations. EPA & DOE, February 1992. (NTIS / PB92-216894)...
Radon Monitoring This project will engage communities and neighborhoods in radon surveys across Puerto Rico. Radon measurements will be carried out by community members who will receive training. The project, developed and funded by EPA, aims to increase radon monitoring capacity at the local level a...
In doing so, the EPA accomplished what the states themselves couldn’t, Salzman said. Because pollution has no respect for political boundaries, a federal agency was needed, he said. That acid rain eating its way through New England trees, for example, came from pollution spewed by Midwester...