Terri Shaw
Guidelines for Conducting Early Life Stage Toxicity Tests with Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes). December 1991. (NTIS / PB92-137488 or NEPIS / http://www.epa.gov/clariton/clhtml/pubtitleORD.html)EPA 600/4-75-008Interim Radiochemical Methodology for Drinking Water. Revised March 1976. (...
This project will engage communities and neighborhoods in radon surveys across Puerto Rico. Radon measurements will be carried out by community members who will receive training. The project, developed and funded by EPA, aims to increase radon monitoring capacity at the local level and inform plannin...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued its "Clean Air in Buildings Challenge," guidelines intended to help building owners and managers improve the quality of the air inside the buildings they operate. The Clean Air in Buildings Challenge is part of the federal government's new IAQ...
Guidelines for Preparing Economic Analyses - Chapter 10: Environmental Justice, Children's Environmental Health and Other Distributional Considerations Evaluate a regulation's distributional effects, considering environmental quality and human health risks across several populations, such as children... OO Us ...
Regional Haze Regulations and Guidelines for Best Available Retrofit Technology Determinations;90 NOx Emission Standard for New Commercial Aircraft Engines;91 Emissions Standards for Locomotives and Marine Compression-Ignition Engines;92 Control of Emissions from Nonroad Spark Ignition Engines and Equipment;93...
Biochemicals test guidelines - TSCA/FIFRA 0880 www.OPPTS Biomonitoring - Effluent to Marine Environment TOXICIT 625/8-89-015 Biomonitoring, in Situ - Marine Sewage BIOMONI 600/4-83-000 Biphenyl and o-Phenylphenol by LC 0642 821/R-93-010-A Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Hydrolysis Prod GC/FT-IR ...
This easy-to-understand illustrated pamphlet sets forth the pertinent information clearly and is fully compliant with all EPA regulatory guidelines. This handy ezLandlordForm’s informative document is mandatory when dealing with properties built before 1978. The Lead Paint Pamphlet includes the pro...
EPAdevelopedthesevoluntaryprotocolsincoordinationwiththeU.S.DepartmentoEnergy(DOE)WorkorceGuidelines orHomeEnergyUpgrades(http://.weatherization.energy.gov/retroft_guidelines)andtheWhiteHouseCouncilon EnvironmentalQuality(CEQ)RecoveryThroughRetroftinitiative (http://.whitehouse.gov/sites/deault/fles/Recovery_Th...
Radon in large buildings: should EPA issue guidelines?Mahoney, Thomas A