This cross-sectional study assesses the public health relevance of air quality index (AQI) activity guidance for exposure to fine particulate matter air
df.to_csv(filename,index=False) #示例调用 filename=aqi_data.csv save_to_csv(cleaned_df,filename) 8.3使用MongoDB存储数据 MongoDB是一个NoSQL数据库,适合存储和管理大量非结构化数据。以下是一个使用MongoDB存储空气质量数据的示例: 8.3.1连接MongoDB frompymongoimportMongoClient defconnect_to_mongodb(...
Winberry, W.T. JerryAir Quality & Climate Change
database=envirofacts ) #创建游标 cursor=db.cursor() #定义要存储的数据 data={ station_id:12345, location:NewYorkCity, air_quality_index:75.5, pollutant:PM2.5, } #定义插入数据的SQL语句 insert_query= INSERTINTOair_quality_data(station_id,location,air_quality_inde...
摘要: Expanding coverage of the NOAA-EPA Air Quality Forecast Capability. on operational NOAAand EPA dataservers , to demonstrate satisfactory achievement of deployment readiness criteriain objective verification, subjective feedback, and production readiness categories....
( 600/R-96-056Decision Error Feasibility Trials (DEFT) Software (G-4D). September 1994. ( 600/R-96-084Guidance for the Data Quality Assessment: Practical Methods for Data Analysis (G-...
ofthesepollutants,EPAhasestablishednationalairqual- itystandardstoprotectagainstharmfulhealtheffects. Airqualitydirectlyaffects ourqualityoflife. “Localairqualityis unhealthytoday.” “It’sacoderedday forozone.” “Today’sAirQuality Indexis105,whichis ...
PM2.5Visibility Impairment:The final rule did not add a distinct secondary standard as proposed, defined in terms of a PM2.5visibility index based on speciated37PM2.5mass concentrations and relative humidity data to calculate light extinction on a deciview (dv) scale38similar to the current Regiona...
I wanted to make a user-friendly notebook which will allow users to customize which years or counties they would like to see data for. Background The U.S. EPA calculates the Air Quality Index for five major air pollutants know as the "Criteria Pollutants" regulated by the 1990 Clean Air...
data.to_csv(clean_data_path,index=False) returnclean_data_path #示例数据 data_path=data/air_quality.csv #清洗数据 clean_data_path=clean_air_quality_data(data_path) print(fCleaneddatasavedto{clean_data_path}) 3.2数据转换 数据转换通常包括单位转换、格式转换等。以下是一个将PM2.5从μg/m3转换...