Air Quality Index (AQI):As proposed, updates the AQI (EPA's color-coded tool for informing the public about air quality and associated measures for reducing risks of exposure) for PM2.5by changing the upper end range for "Good" category (an index value of 50) on the overall scale (0 t...
EPA notes that there are currently at least 14 different types of indexes being used by various political jurisdictions in the U.S. For example, it notes, an air quality index reading of 25 is considered "high" in Albany but "unhealthy" in New York City. The new index is designed to ...
es Prompt Waiver]]>A waiver from the federal government apparently will keep Jacksonville from backsliding this...By PattersonSteve
Conte, Andrew Since 1980, CASE has consulted with clients to deliver quality solutions, not just data. It’s in our name and it’s why we take time to get to know our clients and what they want to accomplish before we set foot in the lab. Product Evaluation ...
The EPA continually monitors air quality across Ireland and provides the air quality index for health and real-time results online. Results are updated hourly on the website, and people can log on at any time to check whether the current air quality is good, fai...
Brimblecombe, Peter. (1987).The Big Smoke: A History of Air Pollution in London sinceMedieval Times.London: Methuen. Turco, Richard. (1997).Earth under Siege.Oxford: Oxford University Press. Internet Resources U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. "Air Quality Index: A Guide to Air Quality ...
EPAhasestablishednationalairqual- itystandardstoprotectagainstharmfulhealtheffects. Airqualitydirectlyaffects ourqualityoflife. “Localairqualityis unhealthytoday.”“It’sacoderedday forozone.”“Today’sAirQuality Indexis105,whichis unhealthyforsensitive groups.” Increasingly,radio,TV,andnewspapersare ...
欄位名稱: sseindex, date, DayWeek, open, high, low, close, return 使用方法: load(url(""), verbose = TRUE) termDocMatrix.RData 資料說明: Term-Document Matrix of Twitter Posts 資料筆數: Terms: 21列, Documents: 154行 ...
— California regulators are expected to vote to ban sales of new diesel big rigs by 2036and require all trucks to be zero emission by 2042. The California Air Resources Board will vote on the Advanced Clean Fleets rule today. Adoption is widely expected. ...