the local authority sets up an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) to target the problem and develops a Local Air Quality Action Plan. There are approximately 700 AQMA’s in the UK, 600 of which are in England.11Most of these AQMA’s have been set up to manage areas that are likely...
vehicular emissions, with nitrogen dioxide being the chief offender here. It can typically be found over areas that see a high volume of traffic, so much so to the point that large accumulations of it are often strong indicators that a majority of pollution in any given area is caused by ...
Air Quality Index study in the area of Thessaloniki A valuable public health toolPsefteli, M.Kavvadas, D.Karacosta, P.Cheristanidis, S.Dimitriadou, I.Papamitsou, T.Archives of Hellenic Medicine / Arheia Ellenikes Iatrikes
Due to industrialization, urbanization, and other factors, air pollution has become increasingly prominent. The air quality index (AQI) is an important index reflecting the level of atmospheric pollution1, and its size is closely related to the content of various pollutants in the atmosphere. There...
Identify the highest concentration among all of the monitors within each reporting area and truncate as follows: Using US EPA AQI Breakpoint, find the two breakpoints that contain the concentration. Using AQI Equation , calculate the index. ...
Often, ventilation related standards are written in the form of minimum requirements, defining ventilation rates in l/s per person or per floor area of the building. Ventilation recommendations have varied over time, as our understanding has increased. As an example, the history related to ASHRAE...
Environmental quality Objective and subjective indicators Urban areas/cities European countries Cluster analysis 1. Introduction Today, over half of the world’s population (55%) lives in urban areas, and it is projected that all regions will urbanize further in the coming decades (United Nations, ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Air Quality Index; urban agglomerations; machine learning; model comparison; prediction1. Introduction In recent years, air pollution has become an important issue of global concern, particularly in many developing and developed cities. Through industrial and urban activities such as fossil fuel ...
In the CGSS2021 questionnaire, the specific question about dependent variables was “How well do you think the local government has done in solving environmental problems in your area in the past five years” with a total of six possible answers. The ranking was as follows: 1 meant “one-...