The absolute count of eosinophil was calculated as the product of its percentage and total leukocyte count. total leukocyte count and eosinophil count. As the optimal cut-off point for eosinophil count in predicting CAC 40, CAC 4100, CAC 4400 or CAC 41000, we chose the point on the receiver...
b Percentage of eosinophils (Siglec-F+CD11b+Ly6GintCD45+ cells) and osteoclast precursors (OCPs/CSF1R+Ly6ChighCD11b+CD45+ cells) in the BM of 4get sham and OVX mice vs. IL-5tg/4get sham and OVX mice (n = 10, 10, 8, 8). c, d 3D trabecular structure by µCT (c) ...
Hence, the current pull-down assay could correctly predict eosinophilic inflammation in those samples where the routine sputum cytology using percentage of eosinophils would have failed (mixed granulocytic samples), since high neutrophil counts can mask eosinophilia in close to a third of patients who ...
The PCR products are then analysed on a fluorescence based automated sequencer. In addition to genomic DNA, any oligonucleotide sequence may be amplified with the appropriate set of primer molecules. In particular, the amplified segments created by the PCR process itself are, themselves, efficient ...
A Zeiss AxioScan automated slide-scanning microscope was used to acquire ×20 tiled images of entire hematoxylin and eosin-stained mouse tumor sections. Slide scanning Whole-slide scanning was performed at the OHSU imaging core using a Zeiss Axioscan 7 Slide Scanner. Image analysis A global ...