The EOF function returns False until the end of the file has been reached. With files opened for Random or Binary access, EOF returns False until the last executed Get statement is unable to read an entire record.With files opened for Binary access, an attempt to read through the file ...
EOF( ) Function 项目 2008/06/18 本文内容 Parameters Return Value Remarks Example See Also Determines whether the record pointer is positioned past the last record in the current or specified table. 复制 EOF([nWorkArea | cTableAlias]) Parameters nWorkArea Specifies the work area ...
EOF( ) returns true (.T.) if the record pointer reaches the end of the table file (EOF). The end of the table is reached when the record pointer passes the last record in the table. For example, when a FIND, LOCATE, or SEEK is unsuccessful, Visual FoxPro moves the record pointer ...
This example uses theEOFfunction to detect the end of a file. This example assumes thatMYFILEis a text file with a few lines of text. VB DimInputData Open"MYFILE"ForInputAs#1 ' Open file for input. Do While Not EOF(1) ' Check for end of file. Line Input #1, In...
经验正交函数分析方法(empirical orthogonal function,缩写EOF)也称特征向量分析(eigenvector analysis),或者主成分分析(principal component analysis),是一种分析矩阵数据中的结构特征,提取主要数据特征量的一种方法。可以知道这两者是同一种分析方法,只是称号不同。
Public Function EOF(ByVal FileNumber As Integer) As Boolean 参数 FileNumber 必选。一个包含任何有效文件号的 Integer。 异常 如果正在升级使用无结构错误处理的 Visual Basic 6.0 应用程序,请参见“错误号”一列。(您可以根据Number 属性(Err 对象)比较错误号。)然而,如果可能,应当考虑用Visual Basic 的结构...
Foranuncoatedcapillary,theEOFistowardthenegative electrode. 如果是未加涂层的毛细管,电渗流是朝负极移动。 10. UsetheEOFfunctionimmediatelybeforetheInputstatementtodetecttheendofthefile. 紧靠Input语句之前使用EOF函数以检测文件的结尾。 1 2 3 4...
Returns The value -1 if the end of the specified open file has been reached, 0 otherwise. Usage For more information about assigning numbers to files when they are opened, readOpen Statement. Example This example uses the Eof function to read records from a Random file, using a Get stateme...
A.7 EOF分析经验正交函数分析方法empirical orthogonal function.缩写为EOF,也称特征 向量分析eigenvector analysis,或者主成分分析principal component analysi
经验正交分解(Empirical orthogonal function,EOF,以下简称“EOF分解”)又被称为主成分分析(Principal component analysis,PCA),最早由Pearson提出,20世纪50年代Lorenz将该方法引入大气科学领域,随后被广泛应用至今。 EOF分解是一种分析矩阵数据中的结构特征、提取主要数据特征量的方法。