Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis was applied to the monthly averages of the TOMS ozone data set from November 1978 to October, 1993 for two latitude ranges. The EOF method yields a set of orthogonal (spatial) functions (or base-patterns) with are, unlike in most other ...
EOF: 文件结束(End Of File);End of the File;经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function);电渗流 文件结束(End Of File)… www.360doc.com|基于8个网页 2. 经验正交方程 2.1经验正交方程(Empirical Orthogonal Function)72.1.1何时使用此方法?72.1.2专门用语 (Terminology)82.1.3建构资料92.1.4E… ...
对河南省40个代表站1961~2005年45年夏季大于等于35℃高温日数进行经验正交函数(EOF)展开分析。 更多例句>> 3) empirical orthogonal function 经验正交函数 1. An analysis of sound velocity in waters off Zhujiang River estuary with the empirical orthogonal function(EOF); 珠江口外海水声速经验正交函数分析...
6) the empirical orthogonal function (EOF) 自然正交函数分解(EOF) 补充资料:回归正交设计法 分子式: CAS号: 性质:根据正交表安排试验,使得在每个试验点上获得的数据含有最大的信息,再用回归分析法来处理正交试验的数据,将试验指标与被考察的各因素之间的关系以回归方程更精确地表示出来。回归的正交设计兼容了正交...
Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis is an important tool for climate studies. An important use of EOF analysis is in representing climate variability in terms of an orthogonal basis set. Many recent studies have employed EOF basis sets in conjunction with the development of climate signal ...
Empirical Orthogonal Functions
2) Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF) 自然正交分解法(EOF)3) empirical orthogonal function analysis 经验正交函数(EOF)分析4) Experimental Orthogonal Function analysis (EOF) 经验正交函数分析(EOF)5) EOF 经验正交函数(EOF)6) CEOF 复自然正交函数 1. In this paper,using the data acquired from ...
本文利用经验正交函数(Empirical Orthogonal Function,简称EOF)方法分析了Millstone Hill非相干散射雷达(Incoherent Scatter Radar,简称ISR)近三个太阳黑子周期(1976年2月~2006年4月)的实测电离层160~700 km的电子浓度剖面资料,并分别用Chapman-α函数拟合了平均电子浓度剖面和带有均值的前三阶EOF级数.结果表明:电子浓度...
1.5.2Empirical Orthogonal Function The EOF analysis decomposes a time-varying fieldT(x,y,t) into a set of mutually orthogonal spatial base functionsRn(x,y) and time seriesPn(t) (1.28)T(x,y,t)=∑n=1NPn(t)Rn(x,y) HereRn(x,y) is called thenth EOF mode andPn(t) the PC. In ...