End Of Day -or- End Of Discussion EOD usually refers to End Of Day. You may hear someone at work say "I need your take-away from the off-site by EOD tomorrow." Online jargon, also known as text message shorthand, used primarily in texting, online chat, instant messaging, email, bl...
We are not going to increase the budget for this project.End of discussion. 我们不会为这个项目增加预算。讨论结束。 请跟读以下内容 美音单词 important [ɪmˈpɔ:rtnt] adj. 重要的 技巧与重读 How~I feel~about...
英文缩写 EOD 英文缩写EOD 英文全称end of discussion 中文解释结束争论 EOD意思,EOD的意思,EOD是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于EOD的解释和缩写,结束争论的英文缩写是什么
EODEnd Of Discussion EODEvery Other Day EODEmpire of Dirt(gaming) EODElectric Organ Discharge EODEuropean Opera Days EODExtent of Disease EODEntry On Duty EODExplosive Ordnance Detachment EODExpression of Dissatisfaction(UK) EODEngineer on a Disk ...
Look what they did to the Mursaat story, Primordus and Jormag, and so many others. Butchered and rushed. Useless and awful characters like Braham living way... wayyyy past their expiration date and tied to an elder dragon to desperately make them relevan
Why does so much of the dialogue happen over a defective magical walkie talkie with ear-bleeding static fuzz? Why not use the space you've built and put the characters in a physical location to meet and speak with them? Honestly at the end of the day I think EoD is a mess because ...
Business terms,Chat terms,COB,Computer acronyms,End,EOW,TLA
Significant efforts have been made to achieve this goal. For example, we improved quality control (QC) schemes, tested some interpolation schemes, and carefully examined the end of the day (EOD) of each original dataset and applied EOD adjustments. Such efforts were intended to make the APHRODIT...
RECENT END OF DAY PRICES DateOpenHighLowCloseVolumeOpen Interest 01/30/2515.0716.6413.8815.4518,7000 01/29/2515.2515.2515.1615.161,2000 01/27/2515.3215.3215.2415.251,1000 01/24/2515.7415.7415.6515.651,4000 01/23/2515.5015.6215.5015.625000
Actingasexecutiveon dutycanthenberegardedasaprivilegeandnotasaburden,asacareerdevelopmentstepinsteadofa"caretaker"function.作为酒店总值你可以获取整间酒店第一手的消费体验感受,因此这个职位应该被授予那些经过足够培训和充分授权可以有效行使总经理权力的人。