Covers all areas of Environmental Science and related subjects. Publishes on the natural sciences, but also includes the impacts of legislation and regulation on pollution control. Safeguards international and interdisciplinary character through a global network of editorial board members. Official publication...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR) serves the international community in all broad areas of environmental science and related subjects with ...
Environmental Science And Pollution Research创刊于1994年,由Springer Berlin Heidelberg出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖环境科学 - 环境科学全领域,此刊是中等级别的SCI期刊,所以过审相对来讲不是特别难,但是该刊专业认可度不错,仍然是一本值得选择的SCI期刊 。平均审稿速度 约3.9个月 ,该期刊近期被列入国际期刊预警名单,请...
Environmental and Pollution Science, Third Edition, continues its tradition on providing readers with the scientific basis to understand, manage, mitigate, and prevent pollution across the environment, be it air, land, or water. Pollution originates from a wide variety of sources, both natural and...
Ecoinforma Institut, Bayreuth Otto Hutzinger (Herausgeber UWSF Editor-in-Chief ESPR) Chandler, AZ, USA Otto Hutzinger (Herausgeber UWSF Editor-in-Chief ESPR) About this article Cite this article Hutzinger, O. Environmental science and pollution research.UWSF - Z. Umweltchem. Ökotox.5, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Environmental Science and Pollution Research Publishing model Hybrid Submit your manuscript Environmental Science and Pollution Research -Special Issues Enjoy Browsing!
期刊官网: 投稿链接: 11期刊总结 总体来说,Environmental Science and Pollution Research是环境科学与生态学领域的3区SCI期刊。IF值5分+,自引率17.6%,审稿周期适中,发文量多,编辑效率高,初审42天。
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR) serves the international community in all broad areas of environmental science and related subjects with ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research(环境科学与污染研究,ESPR),创刊于1994年,隶属于Springer Berlin Heidelberg集团,半月刊,ISSN:0944-1344,该期刊致力于为国际社会环境科学的所有领域和以化合物为重点的相关学科提供论文发表服务,旨在推动社会环境研究的多样化发展。目前期刊已被包括SCIE在内的多个数据库收录,JCR...
Search all Environmental Science and Pollution Research articles Volume 31, Issue 5 January 2024 102 articles in this issue Editorial trend: adverse outcome pathway (AOP) and computational strategy — towards new perspectives in ecotoxicology Damien Baudiffier Karine Audouze Xavier Coumoul Trend...