1862-4065 Sustainability Science 环境科学与生态学2区 0147-6513 ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 环境科学与生态学2区 0269-7491 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 环境科学与生态学2区 0165-0009 CLIMATIC CHANGE 环境科学与生态学2区 1748-9326 Environmental Research Letters 环境科学与生态学2区 0044-7447 AMBIO 环境...
之前也投过一篇,2015年十一月投,然后2016年5月的样子催了才有下文 [ 发自手机版 http://muchong....
Environmental Science and Pollution Research Aims and scope Submit manuscript Rashid Maqbool & Emily Jowett 6477 Accesses 1 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract Construction has been highlighted as one sector that could reduce its effect on the environment by implementing more sustainable methodologies....
在Web of Science上,SCI(E)论文被引25000余次,有30余篇第一或通讯作者论文引用超过100次。成果被Na...
environment science pollution research 2016年的影响因子到3了吗
Francis Academic Press is one of the world’s largest publishers of peer-reviewed, fully Open Access journals. Built on an ethos of openness, we are passionate about working with the global academic community to promote open scholarly research to the wor
MiCRA Biodiagnostics Technology Gateway; Health, Engineering & Materials Science (HEMS) Research Hub, Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin), Dublin, Ireland REVIEW Advances in Electrostatic Plasma Methods for Purification of Airborne Pathogenic Microbial Aerosols: Mechanism, Modeling and Application 静电...
大类:Environmental Science小类:PollutionQ137 / 167 78% 大类:Environmental Science小类:Waste Management and DisposalQ133 / 134 75% 大类:Environmental Science小类:Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the EnvironmentQ272 / 270 73% CiteScore值计算方式:例如2024公布的CiteScore是将统计在 2020年-2023年间...
大类:Environmental Science小类:PollutionQ137 / 167 78% 大类:Environmental Science小类:Waste Management and DisposalQ133 / 134 75% 大类:Environmental Science小类:Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the EnvironmentQ272 / 270 73% 名词解释:CiteScore是基于Scopus数据库的全新期刊评价体系。CiteScore 2021 ...
期刊简介预计审稿时间: 约3.0个月 IJEP provides an international forum in the field of environment and pollution and addresses early and medium-term challenges involving scientific prediction, modelling and assessment. It focuses on ground-breaking research in the science of environmental pollution, at th...