2096-4129 Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 环境科学与生态学2区 0269-4042 ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH 环境科学与生态学3区 1309-1042 Atmospheric Pollution Research 环境科学与生态学3区 2211-4645 Environmental Development 环境科学与生态学3区 1674-6767 Journal of Arid Land 环境科学与生态学3区 ...
International journal of environment research and public health 主办单位:undefined 官网地址:undefined 投稿方式:undefined 投稿地址:undefined
Environmental Research and Public Health Protocol Running and Physical Activity in an Air-Polluted Environment: The Biomechanical and Musculoskeletal Protocol for a Prospective Cohort Study 4HAIE (Healthy Aging in Industrial Environment-Program 4)
Nanomaterials in the environment and nanotoxicology- Risk analysis, risk assessment and risk management, and public health- Waste treatment and disposal- Water and wastewater management, and sewage. 《环境研究》刊登原创报告,介绍环境因素对人类和动物的不利影响的研究。该期刊的主要目的是评估化学物质和微生...
Fifteen Pathways between Electric Vehicles and Public Health: A Transportation–Health Conceptual Framework 电动汽车与公共健康之间的十五条路径:交通-健康概念框架 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校张楷教授团队提出了一个全面框架,概述了电动汽车对公共健康的影响。结果表明,电动汽车通过减少空气污染和提高道路安全对公共健康...
Reproduction, Fertility and Development is an international journal publishing original research , review and comment in the fields of reproduction and dev... AE Martin,WH Bradley - 《Monthly Bulletin of the Ministry of Health & the Public Health Laboratory Service》 被引量: 84发表: 1960年 Protec...
浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院白晓霞团队着眼于“三孩政策”开放亟需解决的围产期母婴健康问题,建立了浙江省环境与出生健康研究联盟(Zhejiang Environmental and Birth Health Research Alliance,ZEBRA)综合孕产妇队列,重点探究环境暴露与不良妊娠结局之间的关系,并力图通过在妊娠早期控制各类风险因素来改善妊娠结局。Haitong...
请教,相关 environment and public health 方向的国际期刊,要求影响因子 IF 1.0 以下的。多谢。
Annals of Public Health and Research Impact of Trace Elements in the Natural Environment and Public Health: A Medical Geology Perspective 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 282 作者:E Arhin,M Zango 摘要: The distributions and concentrations of trace elements in the environment exposed to biological ...
《Scandinavian Journal Of Work Environment & Health》是一本专注于PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH领域的English学术期刊,创刊于1975年,由Finnish Institute of Occupational Health出版商出版,出版周期Bimonthly。该刊发文范围涵盖PUBLIC, ENVIRONMENTAL & OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH等领域,旨在及时、准确、全面地报道国...