Environment & Health(《环境与健康》)致力于揭示环境暴露与人类健康之间的关系,探索潜在的公共卫生影响,为可持续发展和建立更健康的世界构建一个高水平国际学术交流平台。期刊聚焦不断变化的有害环境因素对人类健康的影响,重点报道具有重要意义的高水平原创研究,以及与环境和健康政策相关的创新理念。期刊将发表Researc...
Insights into Triclosan-Induced Endocrine Disruption: Evidence from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and Zebrafish Models 三氯生诱导内分泌紊乱:来自美国国家健康和营养检查调查以及斑马鱼模型的证据 本研究利用美国国家健康和营养检查调查(NHANES)数据库分析TCS与性激素的相关关系,并且利用斑马鱼...
Environment Health PerspectiveOlushola M. Awoyemi
由中国科学院生态环境研究中心和美国化学会合作出版的高起点新刊Environment & Health(《环境与健康》)2025年第2期于2月21日正式上线,本期包含1篇Review文章, 1篇Perspective文章,1篇Viewpoint文章,以及7篇Research文章,主题涵盖多个领域,欢迎大家阅读! February 21, 2025 Volume 3, Issue 2 Pages 111-212...
《环境与健康(英文)》(Environment & Health)(月刊),创刊于2023年,由中国科学院生态环境研究中心和美国化学会出版部共同合作出版。作为一本国际化、高质量的开放获取期刊,Environment & Health致力于揭示环境暴露与人类健康之间的关系,探索潜在的公共卫生影响,为可持续发展和建立更健康的世界构建一个高水平国际学术交流...
From the perspective of epidemiology, the gaps between cause and health outcome may be bridged by the use of biomarker-based research (WG 2). In occupational and environmental health, the use of biomarkers is embedded in a process termed “human biological monitoring” and defined as “the ...
PerspectiveOpen Access06 Mar 2025 Atmospheric amines are a crucial yet missing link in Earth’s climate via airborne aerosol production Amines, ubiquitous atmospheric compounds that are emitted from a range of natural and anthropogenic sources, play a key role in enhancing aerosol formation and activat...
2) How these features are related spatially should be considered in a way that is meaningful from a human perception and cognition perspective. For urban planning to support human wellbeing, environments must be analysed and shaped with tools that identify such mechanisms. We chose 500 m as a ...
In order to seek a new way of governance from a systematic and broader perspective, we must no longer take a fragmented and palliative approach that only treats the symptoms, nor can we care for our own business and hold others back. Instead we must make an overall plan that takes all re...
The study by Allsup and Gabashvili marks a significant advancement in understanding MPC growth dynamics. By focusing on micro-level interactions and decision-making, the research introduces a data-driven approach that reflects the real-world behaviors within these communities. This granular perspective en...