由中国科学院生态环境研究中心和美国化学会合作出版的高起点新刊Environment & Health(《环境与健康》)2025年第2期于2月21日正式上线,本期包含1篇Review文章, 1篇Perspective文章,1篇Viewpoint文章,以及7篇Research文章,主题涵盖多个领域,欢迎大家阅读! February 21, 2025 Volume 3, Issue 2 Pages 111-212...
PERSPECTIVE Establishing a Multifaceted Comprehensive Maternity Cohort Facilitates Understanding of How Environmental Exposures Impact Perinatal Health 建立多方位孕产妇队列综合信息库以了解环境暴露对围产期母婴健康影响 浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院白晓霞团队着眼于“三孩政策”开放亟需解决的围产期母婴健康问题,建立了...
Environment & Health(《环境与健康》)致力于揭示环境暴露与人类健康之间的关系,探索潜在的公共卫生影响,为可持续发展和建立更健康的世界构建一个高水平国际学术交流平台。期刊聚焦不断变化的有害环境因素对人类健康的影响,重点报道具有重要意义的高水平原创研究,以及与环境和健康政策相关的创新理念。期刊将发表Researc...
Health, environment and qual- ity of life: an epidemiological perspective on urban development. Land- scape and Urban Planning 65, 53e62.Augustinus E. M. de Hollander,and Brigit A. M. Staatsen.Health, environment and quality of life: an epidemiological perspective on urban development.Landscape...
and is often more trendy than wise. Merrill Eisenbud's new book helps to provide that missing perspective (as suggested by the subtitle) and, contrary to a widely held view, strongly supports the position that technological development is associated with a profound improvement in health. What...
Health Care held in Alma-Ata in 1978. These traditional approaches to health and the environment were gradually replaced by more integrated ones during the 1990s. Since then, more intersectoral approaches have led to new empirical knowledge about the impacts of environmental risk factors on health ...
Environment & Health(《环境与健康》)致力于揭示环境暴露与人类健康之间的关系,探索潜在的公共卫生影响,为可持续发展和建立更健康的世界构建一个高水平国际学术交流平台。期刊聚焦不断变化的有害环境因素对人类健康的影响,重点报道具有重要意义的高水平原创研究,以及与环境和健康政策相关的创新理念。期刊将发表...
Environment & Health(《环境与健康》)致力于揭示环境暴露与人类健康之间的关系,探索潜在的公共卫生影响,为可持续发展和建立更健康的世界构建一个高水平国际学术交流平台。期刊聚焦不断变化的有害环境因素对人类健康的影响,重点报道具有重要意义的高水平原创研究,以及与环境和健康政策相关的创新理念。期刊将发表...
期刊将发表Research Article、 Review、Policy Analysis、Perspective和Viewpoint等多种类型文章。所收稿件将经过严格、快速的同行评审。 开放投稿:2023年2月 首期上线:2023年7月 首年接受发表的文章申请减免文章出版费(APC) Environment & Health入选2022年中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊。 投稿指南Author Guidelines ...
Human Health and the Environment A Turn-of-the-Century Perspective / Human Health and the Environment: A Turn of the Century Perspective is intended to be a commentary, suitable for a wide audience, on the broad aspects of the relationship between human health and the environment at the turn...