My docker-compose is happy :) | NOTE: Picked up JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS: --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS is only picked up by the java launcher, so use it for options that you only want to apply (or only make sense for) the java startup command. This varia...
Docker Compose -->|1. 创建Docker Compose文件| 文件内容配置 Docker Compose -->|2. 设置环境变量| 环境变量配置 Docker Compose -->|3. 启动容器| 启动Docker容器 步骤详解 1. 创建Docker Compose文件 首先,我们需要创建一个Docker Compose文件,该文件描述了应用程序中的各个服务以及它们之间的依赖关系。Docker...
docker compose实战1、实战docker compose构建redis0、准备工作1、创建项目目录2、在项目目录中创建名为app.py文件3、 requirements.txt依赖4、创建一个 Dockerfile5、在 Compose 文件中定义服务6、使用 Compose 构建并运行您的应用程序7、报错排查8、补充七、docker-compose 细部讲解1、查看镜像2、查看网络3、查看网络...
我的docker-compose.yml如下所示:services: image: some/micro-service:${SERVICE_VERSION} - ../all-variables/${PROFILE}/micro_service.env- "8085:808 浏览13提问于2018-08-22得票数2 回答已采纳 1回答 Docker-编写自定义.env文件的意外行为
将env变量传递给docker-compose 是一种在使用Docker Compose进行容器编排时,向容器传递环境变量的方法。环境变量是一种在应用程序中存储配置信息的常用方式,通过传递环境变量给容器,可以实现在不修改应用程序代码的情况下,改变应用程序的配置。 在docker-compose.yml文件中,可以使用environment关键字来定义需要传递给容器的...
Description Description of the issue I would like to not use on the command line the option --env-file .env.myfile but rather the environment variable COMPOSE_ENV_FILES but it does not work. All the environment variables in the docker-co...
ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES from .env are setting to empty string in docker compose file Context information (for bug reports) Output of docker-compose version docker-compose version 1.23.2, build 1110ad01 docker-py version: 3.6.0 CPython vers...
Docker compose不通过compose.yaml中的环境设置env变量 这是我的compose.yaml,我的工作目录中没有任何.env。 services: service_a: image: "my_img" environment: - WORKER_NUMBER=1 stdin_open: true tty: true command: > bash -c "export PATH=/root/miniconda3/bin:$PATH...
installing rocket-chat using docker-compose OS version: Ubuntu 20.04 App version: 20.10.12 Steps to reproduce: fresh install ubuntu 20.04 install docker-compose, config docker run without sudo cu…
I know that it will work if I extend my docker-compose.yml file with the line environment: - FOO However, this does not really scale to a larger amount of variables - one always has to make sure that the env_file and docker-compose.yml are in sync to prevent n...