docker-compose.yml version'2'services:php:build:php7-fpmvolumes:-${APP_PATH}:/var/www/app-./logs:/var/www/logsenvironment:TIMEZONE:${TIMEZONE}#[...more.stuff...] php7-fpm/Dockerfile FROMphp:7.0-fpmARGTIMEZONE#[...more.stuff...]ENVTIMEZONE=${TIMEZONE}RUNln-snf/usr/...
docker-compose -f docker-compose-set.yml up -d 初始化副本集 然后进去到第一个容器里面,初始化副本集 dockerexec-it mongodb1 /bin/bash 登录 mongo -u 账号 -p密码 登录成功可以查看状态 > rs.status() {"ok":0,"errmsg":"no replset config has been received","code":94,"codeName":"NotYetI...
I am trying to set up zeronsd in docker using the docker compose. Cannot find documentation on how to do it. Also I would like to not expose the zeronsd to any other on service on the server. Do I need the docker container to join the network if the host has already joined the ne...
As of Docker Compose version 2.30.0, you can use an alternative file format for theenv_filewith theformatattribute. For more information, seeformat. Values in your.envfile can be overridden from the command line by usingdocker compose run -e. ...
If you are using.docker/docker-compose.yaml, we move it to../compose-dev.yaml. If you are using.docker/config.json, we create a../compose-dev.yamlfile with a single service named "app”. It is configured to use the image or Dockerfile referenced in the JSON as a starting point. ...
步骤1:编写Dockerfile文件 首先,我们需要在Dockerfile中定义CPU Set,可以通过以下代码实现: # 设置CPU Set# --cpuset-cpus用于指定CPU核心,这里设置为0-3表示使用0到3号核心CMD["--cpuset-cpus=0-3"] 1. 2. 3. 步骤2:编写docker-compose.yml文件 ...
环境:docker-compose安装nacos 2.1.0,已安装mysql,且账号/密码非:root/root 报错: no datasource set:没有设置数据库 原因: 数据库没有正常设置,如 数据库地址,数据库名称,账号,密码 哪个出错都会提示no datasource set 解决方案: 这里只介绍docker-compose安装,其它方法见官方文档 ...
在Docker Compose环境中安装Nacos 2.1.0时,出现’no datasource set’错误通常是由于数据库连接配置不正确或Nacos数据库未正确初始化所致。以下是解决此问题的步骤:步骤一:检查数据库连接配置确保你的Nacos配置文件中数据库连接配置正确。你需要提供正确的数据库地址、数据库名称、用户名和密码。特别注意,如果你使用的是...
Description when i am running a docker command in my home directory where also my docker-compose.yml is placed everything is fine [paul@xps-9310 ~]$ docker compose ps NAME IMAGE COMMAND SERVICE CREATED STATUS PORTS when i am calling same...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于docker compose 指定cpu set的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及docker compose 指定cpu set问答内容。更多docker compose 指定cpu set相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。