public static Object ToObject(Type enumType,int value) 比如:Colors color = (Colors)Enum.ToObject(typeof(Colors), 2),那么color即为Colors.Blue 推断某个整型是否定义在枚举中的方法:Enum.IsDefined public static bool IsDefined(Type enumType,Object value) 比如:Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Colors), n)) ...
TypeScript 是 JavaScript 的超集,它增加了静态类型和其他功能以增强代码的可维护性和可读性。在这篇博...
在这里,我们将编写一个名为enumToArray的函数,该函数将UserRole枚举作为参数,并返回目标类型: // 将Enum转换为字符串数组的函数functionenumToArray(enumObj:any):UserRoleArray{returnObject.values(enumObj);} 1. 2. 3. 4. 代码解释: enumToArray是我们定义的函数,它接收一个参数enumObj,这个参数将是我们的...
解决TypeScript 下枚举值无法为对象,以及保证枚举值有序性的一些应用场景,并提供了完整的 TypeScript 类型映射。 安装 $ npm i ts-enum-object --save API createEnumObject(items: Array<{ name: string; value: any; label?: string; ...other }>) ...
运行时取值范围Object.values(SampleConstant);// [0, 1, 2] or in some order// 静态的取值范围...
#Converting Enum to Number in JavaScript/TypeScript The Enum object stores two pairs of data: keys and values, and their reverse types, where the value is numeric. To convert this to numeric, the Enum is supplied with Enum key strings and returns numbers. ...
Tuple和Enum属于TypeScriptBasic Types中的一个。因为特性比较特殊,因此值得深入了解。 - Boolean Number String Array Tuple Enum Unknown Any Void Null and Undefined Never Object Tuple 定义元组的方式很简单。 // Declare a tuple type let x: [string, number]; ...
The built-in functionindexOf()in TypeScript returns the position of the first instance of a given element within an array. It returns -1 if the element cannot be located. For example, we will use the Object. value, to retrieve an array of enum values, then use the indexOf() to get...
Does the question arise as to what is the benefit of using enums if we can write a simple object? The main point is that we use it as a value thus Annotation dot something. But we can also use it as adata type,this is the main benefit. ...