Provides the base class for enumerations. C#Copy publicabstractclassEnum:ValueType,IComparable,IConvertible,ISpanFormattable Inheritance Object ValueType Enum Derived Accessibility.AnnoScope Microsoft.Aspnet.Snapin.MMC_CONTROL_TYPE Microsoft.CSharp.ErrorLevel ...
Note:Allenums implicitly extendjava.lang.Enum. Because a class can only extend one parent (seeDeclaring Classes), the Java language does not support multiple inheritance of state (seeMultiple Inheritance of State, Implementation, and Type), and therefore an enum cannot extend anything else. In t...
You can use the static method on the System.Enum base class type or a specific enumeration type. Syntax Copy [System.Enum]::format([<enum-name>], <value>, <format-string>) Syntax Copy [<enum-name>]::format([<enum-name>], <value>, <format-string>) The valid format strings ...
Describes the type of comparison for two values (or expressions) in a condition expression.C++ Copy public enum class ConditionOperatorInheritance Enum ConditionOperator Attributes DataContractAttribute FieldsExpand table NameValueDescription Equal 0 The values are compared for equality. NotEqual 1 The ...
You can take this a step further and use the ManagerType and associated BonusSize property in a parent class like so: public class Manager { private ManagerType _managerType { get; set; } public string Type { get => _managerType.Name; set { if (!ManagerType.TryFromName(value, true,...
publicenumclassMsoEncoding Inheritance Enum MsoEncoding Fields Expand table NameValueDescription msoEncodingEBCDICUSCanada37 EBCDIC as used in the United States and Canada. msoEncodingOEMUnitedStates437 OEM as used in the United States. msoEncodingEBCDICInternational500 ...
Case classesin Scala Data typesin Haskell It is possible to represent such algebraic data types using subclasses: the parent class is the "enumeration" type, and each child class represents a case of the enumeration with it's associated parameters. This will however either require you to spread...
Indicates how indenting is handled in a code editor. C++/CX Kopiëren public enum class vsIndentStyle Inheritance Enum vsIndentStyle Fields Tabel uitvouwen NameValueDescription vsIndentStyleNone 0 Indicates no indenting. vsIndentStyleDefault 1 Indicates block indenting. vsIndentStyleSmart 2 Indi...
enum_class=super().__new__()# 每个成员都是cls的示例,通过setattr注入到目标类中forname,valueincls.members.items():member=super().__new__()member.name=name member.value=valuesetattr(enum_class,name,member)returnenum_class 来看下一个可运行的demo: ...