我开始使用 Laravel。我搜索但没有找到如何使用某些 ENUM 值验证数据。在下面的代码中,我需要 type 必须只是 DEFAULT 或 SOCIAL 。一个或另一个:
namespace App\Enums; use benSassi\Enum\Enum; class MyEnum extends Enum { // Customize your enum here } Conclusion Laravel-Enum provides an easy way to define and use enums in Laravel applications. With this package, you can improve the readability and maintainability of your code, making...
useSpatie\Enum\Laravel\Http\EnumRequest;$enums= [//castthestatuskeyindependentofit'sdataset'status'=> StatusEnum::class,//castthestatusonlyintherequestqueryparamsEnumRequest::REQUEST_QUERY=> ['status'=> StatusEnum::class, ],//castthestatusonlyintherequestpostdataEnumRequest::REQUEST_REQUEST=> [...
change casting definition in only onle line inside casts model property //Laravel 9/10 protected $casts = [ 'field_name' => AsLaravelEnumCollection::class.':'.FieldEnum::class, ]; //Laravel 11 protected function casts(): array { return [ 'field_name' => AsLaravelEnumCollection::of(...
A provider for Enums in Laravel. enumlaravel 81.1 W 6 wboyz/laravel-enum Base enum class with some features. enumlaravel 4600 7 vortgo/dbal-laravel-enum Database Abstraction Layer databasepersistencedbalqueryobjectenum 1537 8 joskolenberg/enum ...
In this example, we have applied three CSS rules to alltags. We have set the font size to 16 pixels, the text color to #333 (a dark gray), and the line height to 1.5. Conclusion In this article, we have covered three important topics: Laravel Enum, Float, and CSS. We hope that ...