Laravel IN 验证或通过 ENUM 值验证 社区维基1 发布于 2023-01-12 新手上路,请多包涵 我开始使用 Laravel。我搜索但没有找到如何使用某些 ENUM 值验证数据。在下面的代码中,我需要 type 必须只是 DEFAULT 或SOCIAL 。一个或另一个:$validator = Validator::make(Input::only(['username', 'password', 'type...
useSpatie\Enum\Laravel\Http\EnumRequest;$enums= [//castthestatuskeyindependentofit'sdataset'status'=> StatusEnum::class,//castthestatusonlyintherequestqueryparamsEnumRequest::REQUEST_QUERY=> ['status'=> StatusEnum::class, ],//castthestatusonlyintherequestpostdataEnumRequest::REQUEST_REQUEST=> [...
$record3 = DB::table('enum_casts')->whereIn('integer_status', [IntegerStatus::pending])->first(); $record4 = DB::table('enum_casts')->where('non_backed_status', NonBackedStatus::pending)->first();$this->assertNotNull($record);$...
I've been analyzing the enum in laravel and realised that he is a limitedvarcharby a constrain, so I can change the constrain without losing data from my database. The answer to my problem is: Copy DB::statement("ALTER TABLE purchases DROP CONSTRAINT purchases_ref_check");$types= ['sing...
Laravel 17 1,322 Level 15 Subscriber lolsokje OP Posted 2 years agoI'm working on a website for a simracing hotlapping competition. Participants can submit an unlimited amount of lap times for a specific round in a specific season, and admins can either approve or deny these lap time... App\Enums\ServerStatus; use Illuminate\Validation\Rules\Enum; $request->validate([ 'status' => [new Enum(ServerStatus::class)], ]); 枚举:namespace App\Enums; enum ServerStatus: string { case ACTIVE = 'active'; case INACTIVE = '...
Hello Ben! I am updating my projects to use PHP 7.3 but I found a problem that seems to be in your package. I'm using Laravel 5.6, and your package is at 1.17.1 version. When I tried to use Blade Inject of classes it raises a exception: ...
guidocella/eloquent-populator: Adapter for Laravel's Eloquent ORM. tamperdata/exiges: Faker provider for generating random temperatures jzonta/FakerRestaurant: Faker for Food and Beverage names generateLicenseFaker is released under the MIT Licence. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.About...