Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page for free fun content. ...
b.The power, permission, or liberty to enter; admittance. 3.An opening or introductory movement at the beginning of a dance such as a pas de deux. [Frenchentrée, from Old Frenchentree; seeentry.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 ...
中文词源 entree 主菜前的小菜 来自enter, 进入。 英文词源 entree (n.) 1724, "opening piece of an opera or ballet," from French entrée, from Old French entree (see entry). Cookery sense is from 1759; originally the dish which was introductory to the main course. Meaning "entry, freedom ...
Did you know that almost 30% of words in the English language come from French? Brush up on these common English words derived from French and show everyone that your vocabulary is the crème de la crème. Here are links to our lists in the collection: List 1, List 2, List 3, List ...
Entreeis an acceptable alternative spelling forentrée, but is used mainly in the United States while other English-speaking (and French-speaking) countries tend to retain the accent mark over the seconde. However, this can be inconsistent even within the same publication and it’s best to follo...
"opening piece of an opera or ballet," from French entrée, from Old French entree (see entry). Cookery sense is from 1759; originally the dish which was introductory to the main course. Meaning "entry, freedom of access" is from 1762. The word...
metaphor but it’s not, because I’m that strange. You also need to factor in that it’s getting colder and the summer produce needs to fit into fall dishes in order to make sense in my current world. There are a lot of things to consider when you’re slightly crazy in food-...
Whether you’re working as an English teacher, setting up a business, or taking a CDI (permanent job) at a French company, FrenchEntrée is here to help you settle into your new life in France. OurEssential Readingarticles cover all the bases, from writing your French CV or setting up ...
Where a person also owns assets in France, their French estate will also need to be administered (known in France as the ‘succession’). A notaire will be instructed to carry out the succession. Like an English solicitor, the notaire will look at the will, domicile, and ascertain the ...
Preheat the oven to 350°F/175°C. Throw in the sweet potatoes and roast until they become soft to the squeeze (approx 45min). Split them down the middle and scoop out the contents. Step 2 Combine the sweet potatoes with the butter, salt, black pepper, paprika, green onions and Parme...