asanoien,ourannoy.The Old French verbanoieralso gave rise to a noun, variously spelledenuiandannui,meaning "chagrin, sadness." The Modern French form of this noun,ennui,came to mean "boredom, lassitude," and it was with this sense that the word was borrowed into English in the 1700s....
Definitions from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition. nounListlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of interest; boredom. from The Century Dictionary. nounA painful or wearisome state of mind due to the want of any object of interest, or to enforced...
ennui meaning, definition, what is ennui: a feeling of being tired, bored, and uns...: Learn more.
The wordennuicomes from an old French word meaning “profound sadness,chagrin, or disgust.” Among French speakers,ennuican also refer to “disagreeableness.” It comes from a Latin word that also gives us the wordannoy. English borrowedennuiby the 1660s to express a “wearyboredom” that re...
"annoyance" (13c.), back-formation from enoiier, anuier (see annoy). Hence ennuyé (adj.)… See origin and meaning of ennui.
Lacking enough time free to invest in doing pleasurable things. The desire for “more”. A feeling of missing out. That life is passing them by. An absence of meaning or fulfilment in the work they are paid to perform. Ennui There is an old French word that aptly describes this malaise...
into English by around 1275 as anoien, our annoy. From the Old French verb a noun meaning worry, boredom was derived, which became ennui in modern French. This noun, with the sense boredom, was borrowed into English in the 18th century, perhaps filling a need in polite, cultivated ...
asanoien,ourannoy.The Old French verbanoieralso gave rise to a noun, variously spelledenuiandannui,meaning "chagrin, sadness." The Modern French form of this noun,ennui,came to mean "boredom, lassitude," and it was with this sense that the word was borrowed into English in the 1700s....