I wanted her to like it because… I wanted her to smile again. I wanted her to smile at me the way she had before I’d left. The outpouring of emotion she’d felt on the heels of that simple expression had been unique, and I wanted to taste them again. More than that though, I...
I wanted her to like it because… I wanted her to smile again. I wanted her to smile at me the way she had before I’d left. The outpouring of emotion she’d felt on the heels of that simple expression had been unique, and I wanted to taste them again. More than that though, I...
I learned quickly that I could tell her moods by the waxing and waning of her luminous aura. It shifted whenever she was feeling a particularly intense emotion, and there was an edge of color to her aura beyond just the gold if I looked closely. And right now, she was upset. Not angr...
It shifted whenever she was feeling a particularly intense emotion, and there was an edge of color to her aura beyond just the gold if I looked closely. And right now, she was upset. Not angry, just scared. She was frightened for me and it occurred to me not too long ago that she ...
那些爆弹枪不仅仅是帝国的,它们与亚历桑德拉使用的武器属于同一样式。 我在开火声停息时将将落到教堂的屋顶上,我低声咒骂着落到一处被炸开的窗户旁,向里面窥视着。 七个兽人:四个已经死了,两个受了轻伤,剩下的那个看起来完好无损。在教堂的中央是三个有着像亚历桑德拉那样雪白的发色的女性,被存活下来的兽人的...