What leads to feeling jaded? Feeling jaded typically results from overexposure to certain experiences, leading to a sense of ennui or lack of enthusiasm. 7 Are cynical people always negative? Not necessarily; some cynics maintain a sense of humor or use their skepticism constructively. 7 Is being...
The theme for this week’s Lens-artists Photo Challenge #178 is You Choose. The shore before Saint Malo, in Brittany. Archive Bretagne/Brittany Archive France shot with Nikon D7000, edited using Snapseed and Marksta. Click the picture for a larger version. Rate this: Feel free to share ...
The answer we got for our first attempt inWordle Unlimitedtoday is below. Please note that not everyone will have the same answer. However, we’ve found that using the answers others have gotten when they’ve played the game for the first time each day gave us a better start than using ...
"If I'm feeling like I'm climbing the walls, I turn to cooking. Trying out exotic recipes adds a pinch of excitement to a bland day." Enhanced Answer 5: "Whenever ennui envelops me, I sketch or paint. It's a creative escape that paints my grey thoughts with vibrant colors." ...
“Paul Thomas Anderson’s “The Master” is fabulously well-acted and crafted, but when I reach for it, my hand closes on air. It has rich material and isn’t clear what it thinks about it.” —Roger Ebert,Chicago Sun-Times “This is one of the great character studies, and one of...
If he is to change, he must dictate the course of therapy, and make the conscious choice to improve himself. This widely used approach is called“client centered therapy.” If the client’s ennui or ill feelings are due to situational factors or internal designs (as oppose to biological ...
This is my Task 1 post for Connected Courses Unit 1: ‘Why we need a why’ which will be added to the collection here. Why do I teach? Well, for starters, most people wouldn’t think that I do teach. “What do you teach?” “Well, actually, I’m a teacher librarian”. “Oh...
t much. The two hippos just walked slowly in and out of their night-time barn now and then. But we had a cunning plan. Emily also searched the internet (mostly Youtube) for more videos showing a wider range of speeds, and I added some more after her project. The upshot is, hippos...
"My fiancee and I both suffer from depression and decreased libido when we're anxious/depressed, which is basically always. We have sex about once a month, sometimes less. I like sex, and my fiancee is the best partner I've ever had. But when you're feeling lonely and hopeless, it'...
routine. We could revive this “illness” and even, perhaps, have employers allow “ennui days”, as they do sick days. Men as well as women could take part in this diversion. The problem is finding the proper ennui garb for males that would be their dress analogous to the female ...