psychopaths and boredom, psychopaths and emotion, psychopathy, psychopathy awareness, psychopathy symptoms, psychopathy traits, psychopathyawareness, pushing your buttons, social predators, sociopath, the psychopath's emotions, Why Do Sociopaths Waste Our Time, Without conscience, Women who love psychopaths ...
It’s hard not to think about Maya. It’s hard when I do think of her. I’ve been stupid to have invested so much emotion around her. She means so much to me. Her happiness means more, so I can’t even tell her these things. It’s killing me. I know the new bike will keep...
I wanted her to like it because… I wanted her to smile again. I wanted her to smile at me the way she had before I’d left. The outpouring of emotion she’d felt on the heels of that simple expression had been unique, and I wanted to taste them again. More than that though, I...
The curse of my kind that once armoured my heart against the depths of emotion with layer upon layer of apathy and cynicism was gone and in its place a raw wound was left open to the air. Prior to this, I had only known a short time of peace after my curse was lifted, punctuated ...
“Zathura” lacks the undercurrents of archetypal menace and genuine emotion that informed “The Polar Express,” a true classic that is being re-released again this year. But it works gloriously as space opera. We’re going through a period right now in which every video game is being turne...
I learned quickly that I could tell her moods by the waxing and waning of her luminous aura. It shifted whenever she was feeling a particularly intense emotion, and there was an edge of color to her aura beyond just the gold if I looked closely. ...
亚历桑德拉。 战斗修女,她如此称呼自己那一类人。说真的,她们看起来确实像姐妹一样……想到她们中的某一个可能和亚历桑德拉有血缘关系,这景象就让我的胃在仇恨中扭曲。 “我并不认识你们,”我轻声说道,“你们也无疑会在见到我的一瞬间就会对我展开杀戮。”我跪下来伸出手,将手掌放到她们每一个人身上,合上她们的...
It shifted whenever she was feeling a particularly intense emotion, and there was an edge of color to her aura beyond just the gold if I looked closely. And right now, she was upset. Not angry, just scared. She was frightened for me and it occurred to me not too long ago that she ...
亚历桑德拉。 战斗修女,她如此称呼自己那一类人。说真的,她们看起来确实像姐妹一样……想到她们中的某一个可能和亚历桑德拉有血缘关系,这景象就让我的胃在仇恨中扭曲。 “我并不认识你们,”我轻声说道,“你们也无疑会在见到我的一瞬间就会对我展开杀戮。”我跪下来伸出手,将手掌放到她们每一个人身上,合上她们的...