Since losing his job, he has often experienced a profound sense ofennui. 他自从失业以来, 常觉百无聊赖. 辞典例句 Irritability. i have often experienced a profound sense ofennui. 烦躁不安. 我常常经历了一场深刻的意义上的倦怠. 期刊摘选
权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 ennui n. 1. 无聊;厌倦;倦怠feelings of being bored and not satisfied because nothing interesting is happening 例句 释义: 全部,倦怠,无聊,厌倦,使无聊,孙玉伟,百无聊赖 更多例句筛选 1. Complete with the brief feeling of satisfaction, followed by ennui, followed by...
ENNUI™ is a new concept of protective gear specifically designed for urban sports, all non-motorized wheeled sports, and for all sizes of wheels. As riders, our aim is to create protective gear that we would wear ourselves; gear that keeps us safe and protects our bodies against all sort...
ennui['ɔnwi:] n. 1 the feeling of being bored by something tedious 同义词: boredom / tedium 网络释义 倦怠 ... ennoble 授予爵位;使尊贵 ennui 倦怠;厌倦 enormous 巨大的;庞大的;非常邪恶的 ... 相关网页 厌倦 ... ennoble 授予爵位;使尊贵 ennui 倦怠;厌倦 enormous 巨大的;庞大的;非...
ennui- the feeling of being bored by something tedious boredom,tedium dissatisfaction- the feeling of being displeased and discontent; "he was never slow to express his dissatisfaction with the service he received" blahs- a general feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction ...
Le travail est un bon antidote contre l'ennui.真人慢速 工作是摆脱药。 Cela nous a procuré bien des ennuis. 这给我们带来很多。 Il se sens parfois l'ennui et l'asthenie. 有时他回觉得空虚无力. Mais c’est la première fois, Barbidur a quelques ennuis. 毕竟这是第一次滑雪,巴巴比丢遇到...
法汉-汉法词典 n. m 使 ; , 近义、反义、派生词典 反义词: enjolivement 联想词 embellissement化,修饰,装饰;appauvrissement使贫穷,贫困;destruction破坏,毁坏;ravalement 刷;réaménagement调整;abandon放弃;anéantissement毁灭,破灭,灭绝,消灭;esthétisme唯主义;dégradation降级;déclassement失去社会地位;agrand...
Mathieu Lamboley、Quatuor Hanson - Ennui 专辑: Madame Bovary (Bande originale de la fiction France Culture) 歌手:Mathieu LamboleyQuatuor Hanson还没有歌词哦Mathieu Lamboley、Quatuor Hanson - Ennui / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 Ennui Mathieu Lamboley、Quatuor Hanson 01:40...
歌手:Soen Breathe in the air now A harmony of woe Blindly lead the like mind Feel the needs as they grow Out of sight Kept in mind Apart Come ennui In your voice Hear you sink Doubt will exhaust your hope Fearing your dreams will be washing away ...