“All of my jobs revolved around helping people. I was a teacher who wanted to be sensitive to children and help them get off to a good start. I was a religious education director in a number of parishes. I thought that if people learned about the spiritual life, they’d be happier...
These types are labeled One through Nine, and no number is better than another. The numbers don’t imply a “rank” of better or worse type. A One isn’t better than a Nine or vice versa.The Enneagram can tell you what your core desires and fears are. It can also help you to ...
the enneagram is a New Age mandala, a mystical gateway to personality typing. The drawing is based upon a belief in the mystical properties of thenumbers7and 3.*It consists of a circle with nine equidistant points on the circumference. The points are connected by two figures: one connects t...
What is the meaning of Disintegration Direction / Integration Direction in an enneagram test? Disintegration Direction: Which type you intend to behave like when you are under pressure or feeling worried. Integration Direction: Which type you intend to behave like when you are moving towards growth...
wanting their intimates to get involved in projects and events with them. Paradoxically, they actually tend to avoid long periods of exclusive intimacy and quiet solitude, seeing both as potentially limiting. Social types lose their sense of identity and meaning when they are not involved with othe...
(MBTI) and the Enneagram, present intriguing intersections. Although these systems were developed independently—with the MBTI based on Jungian psychology and the Enneagram rooted in ancient spiritual traditions—their descriptions of human nature reveal a number of meaningful correlations that enrich our...
Lines run from each number to two other types, and these lines represent the personality traits you take on duringstressversus security. For example, a type two personality would take on type eight qualities when stressed and type four qualities when secure. ...
Always looking for depth in self discovery and finding blind spots. Still a little baffled. Reading all instructions and double checking. There’s a wiggle room for self improvement. Took a good year to understand the meaning behind these numbers. Recently informed about try types. I’m glad ...
It was encouraging to know kinda where I land and even how it connected to couple different points about yourself that weren’t in your “enneagram number” was great cause I don’t like accepting labels a lot but this one was pretty darn close! Loved it and looking to gleam from it ...
In fact, the word enneagram breaks down into the Greek roots for nine and figure; as in a figure representing the number nine. Imagine the numbers one through nine arranged on a circle just like a clock. Starting from the one o'clock position, go all the way around until you end with...