and spends much time thinking of how things could be. They are self-aware, and experience emotions on a deeper level. Often involved in activities that require creativity and expression, Fours have a strong appreciation for beauty, and meaning. They have few, but deep...
The numbers don’t imply a “rank” of better or worse type. A One isn’t better than a Nine or vice versa.The Enneagram can tell you what your core desires and fears are. It can also help you to explore the childhood struggles you faced and how you’ve learned to cope with them...
What are the Enneagram Numbers? Tritype®, a 27-point personality system coined and created by Katherine Chernick Fauvre, emerged during her 1994 qualitative research on the "internal experiences" of the types. Her ongoing research suggests that individuals use three Enneagram Types, not just one...
. You will respond or adapt in different directions, as indicated by the lines of the Enneagramfrom your basic type. Again, we see the flexibility and dynamism of the Enneagram. TheDirection of DisintegrationorStressfor each type is indicated by the sequence of numbers 1-4-2-8-5-7-1. ...
Perhaps your job is all numbers and black and white answers—there's little room for you to think outside the box there. In that case, take up activities that provide the creative outlet you need. Who knows? Just like this business owner, maybe jazz classes are what you need to break ...
In its present form, the Enneagram includes nine personality types, or numbers, illustrated by a nine-pointed geometric figure. (The term Enneagram comes from the Greek words meaning “nine” and “drawing” or “figure.”) Each, at its worst, is tied to one of the deadly sins – plus ...
142857 x 7 = 999999. And of course 1 divided by 3 yields an infinite sequence of threes. The triangle joining points 3, 6 and 9 links all the numbers on the circle divisible by 3. To ascribe metaphysical or mystical significance to the properties of numbers is mere superstition and a th...
Like, if nurses know their enneagram numbers, can they work together more effectively; that kind of thing. It's a huge number, and results are all over the map, but the quality of the studies and of the journals they're published in is also all over the map. So to get a clearer ...
Why is everyone posting about their numbers on social media? It may seem like another personality test that either tells you you’re bossy, timid or shy – and while some of that may play into the Enneagram, there’s so much more to it....
I recently became interested in Enneagram after attending an MBTI meeting with INFJs and finding out that I have enneagram 5w4. Among this personality system, 5w4 enneagrm is rare similar to how rare INFJ types are in MBTI. In this post I want to discuss the INFJ enneagram and how Type...