Type Nines with Type Sixes: Tend to be both witty and practical.Click here to find the Type 9 & Type 6 couple pairing guide. Type Nines with Type Sevens: Tend to be both peaceful and passionate.Click here to find the Type 9 & Type 7 couple pairing guide. Type Nines with Type Eights...
5ThinkerI need to understand the world. 6SkepticI am affectionate and skeptical. 7EnthusiastI am happy and open to new things. 8LeaderI must be strong. 9PeacemakerI am at peace. - salvaged from Dave's Page when his site was deleted. ...
I happen to have a 7 wing, so 7s are OK. Actually all types are OK, but the Enneagram has really helped me put my impatience with others away. Because I go, yeah, not everybody is a perfect 8. Type 9 2015: I like the compassion. I like the ability I’ve always had since I ...
ESTJ and Enneagram type 7 are vastly different personality types, and their manifestation in a single individual is a rare (albeit possible) occurrence.Type 7 Enneagram people are spontaneous, independent, thrill-seekers who loathe structure and commitments and tend to lack discipline. On the other ...