5w6爱解决实际问题充实大脑丰富理论,6w5更沉迷理论缓解焦虑获得安全感 6w7爱开玩笑搞笑谐星得到安全,7w6在意人际获得快乐也更自由 7w8事业心强,霸气侧漏,防止被剥夺,8w7开朗欢快肆意得到权力掌控领导他人 8w9沉睡狮子偶尔爆发,9w8炸弹金毛 9w1完美主义维护平静,1w9平静和谐达到完美 所以说实话比较一个人主型倒不如...
Explore Kenia Os's captivating personality! As an ESFP and Enneagram 7w8, Kenia Os is Adventurous, Energetic, and Assertive. Click to uncover the traits that make Kenia Os a true icon!
Type 7w8 Opportunist Opportunists tend to be determined, enthusiastic, and protective Type 8w7 Nonconformist Nonconformists tend to be self-confident, sociable, and pragmatic Type 8 Protector Protectors tend to be powerful, self-confident, and assertive Type 8w9 Diplomat Diplomats tend to be confident...
Enneagram Type 7 (Enneagram 7w8/Enneagram 7w6) - Integration to a 5: Directed by Wenzeslawa Wegener. With Wenzeslawa Wegener. Enneagram Type 7 (Enneagram 7w8/ Enneagram 7w6) - Integration to a 5.
7 wing 6 (7w6) - preferred 6 wing Common Name: The Entertainer more playful and optimistic more concerned with being liked more sensitive and agreeable 7 wing 8 (7w8) - preferred 8 wing Common Name: The Realist more practical and realistic ...
8是九个号码当中与“攻击性”直接挂钩的号码,即使7w8 9w8也依然有明显的攻击性,这也很好解释了8w7宜人性最差的原因,而sx8w9反而强化了他们“叛逆”和“暴力”的一面。陈立人长期对妻子进行家暴,并且最终将妻子一拳一拳活活打死,与他次型的腹8密切相关。在纳兰霍的原文中,被明确描述为“有暴力倾向”的号码只有...
于本身号码两旁相邻的就是侧翼,例如 第 2 型号的人会有 1号 或 3号的侧翼(即是 2w1或2w3)。按此说法,性格即可分成18个类型:1w9、1w2、2w1、2w3、3w2、3w4、4w3、4w5、5w4、5w6、6w5、6w7、7w6、7w8、8w7、 8w9、9w8、9w1。 有关九型人格 (Enneagram) 课程的详情,请到 http://www.life-enr...
Can have a Six or Eight wing: 7w6 or 7w8 Nicknamed ‘The Enthusiast’ Ego Fixation: Planning Vice: Gluttony Virtue: Sobriety Integrates into the Five (The Investigator) under growth Disintegrates into the One (The Perfectionist) under stress ...
If you want to learn in-depth about Enneagram wings, you can find profiles for the two wings combinations of each Enneagram type here: 1w9 & 1w2, 2w1 & 2w3, 3w2 & 3w4, 4w3 & 4w5, 5w4 & 5w6, 6w5 & 6w7, 7w6 & 7w8, 8w7 & 8w9, 9w8 & 9w1 Is this personality quiz ...