We have named personality type ThreeThe Achieverbecause when they are healthy, Threes really can and do achieve great things in the world. They are the “stars” of human nature, and people often look up to them because of their graciousness and personal accomplishments. Healthy Threes know how...
The Sexual Subtypefocuses on a spark of intense connection with another individual. Sexual (Sx) subtypes want intense bonds, relationships, and experiences. They seek out interactions and experiences that will make them feel passion and energy. They often look for relationships and friendships that a...
7w6:The Seven wing Six is a Seven that resembles a Six in some ways. This type is generally more disciplined and skeptical than other Sevens. They are productive, loyal, and tend to be strong leaders during times of crisis. Common careers for the 7w6 include tour guide, pilot, detectiv...
The Enneagram personality tests believe that the most important numbers are 1, 3 and 7. When you divide number 1 by 7, you shall get an infinite series of numbers 142857. Just connect the numbers in this direction, and you shall get a hexagon. ...
When a Three isn’t healthy, however, or often in a later stage of a relationship, they can identify too strongly with their work and be overly focused on their “performances,” whether it be in the workroom, the bedroom or as a parent. They can erroneously believe they are what they...
3,7,8 – Aggressive 1,2,6 – Compliant Wings Riso and Hudson explain that nobody is a “pure type.” In addition to our basic type, each of us tends to consistently display traits associated with one of the two types next to our basic type on the Enneagram figure. Thus, a 5 may...
Enneagram Reports – Your Guide for Personal, Relationship and Professional Growth Personal Professional Team Couple The Active Controller With direct or indirect power, they like to lead or move obstacles out of the way. They are not soft and want others to be strong like them. ...
Style 1: Good Person|Style 2: Loving Person|Style 3: Effective Person|Style 4: Original Person Style 5: Wise Person|Style 6: Loyal Person|Style 7: Joyful Person|Style 8: Powerful Person|Style 9: Peaceful Person The Enneagram (pronounced any-a-gram) is a circle inscribed by nine points....
There are the anger, fear, and shame triad. Type 2, 3, 4 belong to the shame triad. Type 5, 6, 7 belong to the fear triad and type 8, 9, and 1 belong to the anger triad. 3. They Both Help You Make Great Career Choices ...
The Enneagram lens through which we view the world inevitably affects our relationship patterns and undoubtedly... Read More Emotional Intelligence The 9 Faces of Resilience Granville D'Souza, DBA Resilience is the ability to overcome setbacks or challenges. It involves the ability to adapt to diffi...