Level 6:Want to impress others with their superiority: constantly promoting themselves, making themselves sound better than they really are. Narcissistic, with grandiose, inflated notions about themselves and their talents. Exhibitionistic and seductive, as if saying “Look at me!” Arrogance and cont...
The Sexual Three has a strong desire to be desired. They want to be attractive, alluring and wanted by others – particularly their ideal mate. They are often seen as supporters of others. While they may have an abundance of strengths and talents, they often use these to escalate other in...
Type 6 in relationship with type: 123456789 Misidentification with Other Types Type 6 compared with type: 12345789 Addictions Rigidity in diet causes nutritional imbalances (“I don’t like vegetables”). Working excessively. Caffeine and amphetamines for stamina, but also alcohol and depressants to ...
As two prominent figures in the public eye, their relationship has been under scrutiny from the very beginning. At first glance, it may seem like this loved-up couple is a match made in heaven. Both come from successful backgrounds, both have strong personalities, and both are passionate ...
Every type of circumference of the circle has a close relationship with the types on either side. They are called your left and right wings. Suppose you are enneagram five type. You may have shades of characteristics given for enneagram four type or enneagram six type or of the both. Some...
Enneagram Reports – Your Guide for Personal, Relationship and Professional Growth Personal Professional Team Couple The Active Controller With direct or indirect power, they like to lead or move obstacles out of the way. They are not soft and want others to be strong like them. ...
When a Three isn’t healthy, however, or often in a later stage of a relationship, they can identify too strongly with their work and be overly focused on their “performances,” whether it be in the workroom, the bedroom or as a parent. They can erroneously believe they are what they...
Style 1: Good Person|Style 2: Loving Person|Style 3: Effective Person|Style 4: Original Person Style 5: Wise Person|Style 6: Loyal Person|Style 7: Joyful Person|Style 8: Powerful Person|Style 9: Peaceful Person The Enneagram (pronounced any-a-gram) is a circle inscribed by nine points....
It is helpful to note that the Enneagram types are dynamic due to each type’s relationship to both of its wing types and both of its lines of connection (both of which are patterns of three), and when combined, these forces generate the dynamic energy that create each of the 27 Trityp...
ESTJ Personality Enneagram Type- ESTJs are most often one of three types: Enneagram 3, 6 and 8. Enneagram 1 is not uncommon, representing 13% to 16% of ESTJs. INTJ Personality Enneagram Type- 51% - 62% of INTJs are Enneagram 5s so when we are thinking of the common analytical INTJ...