enjambment 英[ɪn'dʒæmmənt] 美[ɪn'dʒæmmənt] 释义 n. (诗句的)跨行连续 词态变化 复数:enjambments; 英英释义 Noun 1. the continuation of a syntactic unit from one line of verse into the next line without a pause...
必应词典为您提供enjambment的释义,美[ɪn'dʒæmmənt],英[ɪn'dʒæmmənt],n. 〈诗〉(诗句的)跨行进行; 网络释义: 跨行连续;跨行手法;跨行接续;
enjambment [英[ɪn'dʒæmmənt]美[ɪn'dʒæmmənt]] enjambment的意思、解释 复数形式:enjambments; n.(诗句的)跨行连续 网络跨行 更多
enjambment是什么意思 音标: 英 [ɪn'dʒæmmənt] 美 [ɪn'dʒæmmənt] n. (=enjamkement)(诗句之)跨行连续 n. the continuation of a syntactic unit from one line of verse into the next line without a pause 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词enjambment的翻译英语含义,如...
enjambment[in'dʒæmənt] 解释 n. 跨行连续 ※ 提供单词"enjambment"的中文意思、发音示范及音标对照,中英文词源、例句和用法等。 中文词源 enjambment 诗句的跨行 en-, 进入,使。-jamb, 腿,词源同gammon. 即走开一步,跨步。 英文词源 enjambment (n.) also enjambement, 1837, from French enjam...
The meaning of ENJAMBMENT is the running over of a sentence from one verse or couplet into another so that closely related words fall in different lines.
Ganger is full of enjambment and ellipses, ideas competing with one another or allowed to drift into the ether, each of them odder and more specific than the last. Pitchfork, 1 Oct. 2024 Speakers stop abruptly and pop up in the next paragraph; snappy asides and transitions appear as enjamb...
Related to enjambment:end-stopped en·jamb·ment oren·jambe·ment(ĕn-jăm′mənt, -jămb′) n. The continuation of a syntactic unit from one line or couplet of a poem to the next with no pause. [Frenchenjambement, from Old Frenchenjamber,to straddle:en-,causative pref.; seeen...