The poet contrasted her use of enjambment against the use of em dashes within the text. They encourage the reader to pause and consider what has just been said. The dashes also represent quiet moments in the narrative itself. For example, the dash after “He listened long” in the seventh...
(“Birches” by Robert Frost) Just as in the example of enjambment from Frank O’Hara, we can analyze this excerpt from Robert Frost’s “Birches” line by line. The first three lines comprise one full sentence, yet by breaking them where Frost does they make the reader pause and conside...
Enjambment is the continuation of a sentence or clause across a line break. For example, the poet John Donne usesenjambmentin his poem "The Good-Morrow" when he continues the opening sentence across the line break between the first and second lines: "I wonder, by my troth, what thou andI...
In this example, the second line isenjambed, with the thought going over into the third line. Notice the thought continues past the line break. Enjambment Examples Here are a few examples ofenjambmentfrom popular poems. Example 1:The Waste Land(by T. S. Eliot) April is the cruellest month...
Origin ofenjambment1 First recorded in1830–40;fromFrenchenjambement,equivalent toenjamb(er)“to stride over, project, encroach” (en-+-jamber,derivative ofjambe“leg” +-ment);en-1,jamb1,-ment Discover More Example Sentences This being so, Leithauser’s chapters cover such seemingly ho-hum ...
What is an example of enjambment in Hamlet? Enjambment: Enjambment is a literary technique in which an idea moves from one line to the next. The first line doesn't contain punctuation or pauses, so we need to continue reading to understand its complete meaning. This technique is frequently ...