or difficult to make sense of. The wordenigmacan also mean a riddle, but it’s more often used to refer to something that’s soperplexingthat it seems like a riddle (and perhaps was intended to seem like one), as inThat book is completely enigmatic—I have no idea what it’s really...
- as a noun Mysteriousness, complexity; the property of being puzzling or inexplicable. Example: "I was overwhelmed by the enigmaticness and overall feeling of falling into an abyss of comforting silhouette dreamscapes." The quality of a person of puzzling, secretive or contradictory character....
typified byCeraceosorus bombacisfrom the leaves ofBombax ceibain India (Bakshi et al.1972; Cunningham et al.1976), now placed in the Exobasidiomycetes as a sister to species of theEntylomatales(Begerow et al.2006; Kijpornyongpan et al....
stercoralis assayed, with the highest abundance in P Females [please check whether P Female is used as a singular or plural noun throughout MS] and the lowest abundance in the PFL L1 (Figure 5). Notably, the abundances of Ss-riok-3 transcripts were higher in the parasitic stages of S....