What part of speech is the word frequent? Define likely What is trite? Define presumptive What does enigmatic mean? Define discretionary What's the opposite of always? Define miniscule What does disregard mean? Define situational irony Is 'usually' an adverb?
but asintroverts, weneed solitude. At the same time, we have a deep need to be around people and have meaningful conversations. This paradox is often seen in the way INFJs are private, reserved, and enigmatic, but also warm and welcoming towards others. ...
Intuiting the essence of pi. Quickly we ran into the closed-or-open universe debates. So, we postulate that the universe is finite and infinity is totally other. We postulate that infinity is the source for pi and the other dimensionless constants such that pi reaches between the finite and...
too late for regrets (idiom); It is useless to repent after the event. 莫高窟 Mò gāo kū Mogao caves in Dunhuang 敦煌, Gansu Example Usage 神秘莫测Trad.神祕莫測 shén mì mò cè mystery unfathomable enigmatic 莫须有Trad.莫須有 mò xū yǒu ...