The meaning of ENGRAM is a hypothetical change in neural tissue postulated in order to account for persistence of memory : memory trace.
EngramDefinition The material substrate or record of a particular item of memory. Also referred to as memory trace.doi:10.1007/978-3-540-68706-1_1640Francis C. ColpaertEncyclopedia of Psychopharmacology
(A) Reference memory errors in the radial-arm maze. An error was defined as entry into a non-baited arm (see inset above graph). Animals trained for 19 days, followed by negative control sessions on days 22 (C1) and 40 (C2), retention tests on days 25 (R1) and 43 (R2), and ex...
The meaning of ENGRAM is a hypothetical change in neural tissue postulated in order to account for persistence of memory : memory trace.