trials engramGold with a Trials of Osiris logoLegendaryDropped from reaching Trials of Osiris reputation rank promotions and can be decrypted or focused atSaint-14for Trials of Osiris items. Adept Trials of Osiris items require entry into the Lighthouse once before focusing can be unlocked for tha...
EngramEntry_TEK_unlock_Weiyi_C Turret control terminal EngramEntry_TurretZhongduan_Weiyi_C 【模组介绍】 MOD ID=931317 这个mod包含了以下内容 点石成金手(万能地3.0 包含了2.0所有功能 它现在可以复制带属性的道具) 恐龙洗点卡 炮塔终端(可以控制附近所有类型的自动炮塔) 自定义恐龙升级卡(可自定义需要升级的...
OverrideNamedEngramEntries=(EngramClassName="EngramEntry_Campfire_C",EngramHidden=False,EngramPointsCost=1,EngramLevelRequirement=1,RemoveEngramPreReq=True) Easiest way is to use the code in your game.ini settings for autoengram. The exact code line you need to use for this is bAutoUnlockAllEngr...