🤗 Looking to practise your English with both international and Japanese friends? Come join us for 1-on-1 conversations on Thursdays at 8.00pm (Tokyo time)! ALL levels of English are welcome 🎉🥳 This event will be held over Zoom. During the session, the host will split the group ...
Japanese English Dictionary - カジュアル in English: 1. casual The fact is apparent to the most casual observer. A casual remark can hurt someone. casual clothes I get the impression we will pay for this casual approach sooner or later. Even casual observers realize one striking thing ...
Equally important is adapting yourbrand voice. In Japan, communication is often more formal and respectful than in Western markets. This means that a casual or overly direct tone in English may need to be refined to align with Japanese cultural expectations. Your website’s tone must be cons...
At present the text book issue between the Korean and Japanese governments is developing into a significant problem affecting both countries. Anastrophe, by switching around words, has the effect of emphasizing text. Don't try to remember every sentence of the text, it's almost impossible. The ...
- Casual, Sports, Comedy, Horror, WW2 operational boardgame - Story-based games / Novel games with novel style in Japanese - In-game text, Store text, Marketing text, Advertisement text - Seasoned experience in instructions and marketing text for Casino, iGaming, Crypto iGaming ...
you’ll have to word them very carefully so that you don’t inadvertently offend anyone. As a general rule, the Japanese tend to be much more formal in their business dealings than Americans do. If your documents are overly-casual, even the most accurate Japanese translation may give off th...
These tools are ideal for casual fans looking for a fast and easy solution to translate manga from Japanese to English without any technical hurdles. Let’s explore the most reliable platforms here. 1. Google Translate When it comes to quick and free solutions for translating manga, Google ...
Japanese people are great at being expressive, especially when they are surprised, overwhelmed, or experiencing intense emotions such as excitement. Since they are so expressive, it is great to teach them useful phrases and expressions so that they can also use language to express themselves more ...
Our mission statement:We are a social community in the MD-DC Metropolitan Area sharing Japanese and English language exchange and Japanese culture. Please note: Due to COVID-19, we are primarily only doing the online Skype sessions at this time. ...
For beginner students, they need Japanese advice to maintain their positive attitude for learning; disciplining. Also Japanese is essential to build mutual understanding and trusting relationship among the instructor and students through casual conversation. Paying close attention to students' reaction is ...