error Try again Google Translate Add example Translations of "阿塞拜疆语" into English in sentences, translation memory 这些组织可作为观察员或嘉宾参加会议,不是突厥语国家议会大会成员的国家议会也可参加会议。 Those organizations could participate in its meetings as observers or guests, as could nationa...
+ Add translation English-Chinese dictionary 音译 verb to represent letters or words in the characters of another alphabet or script [..] The languages that have been transliterated within the Tatoeba Project are Japanese, Chinese, Shanghainese, Georgian and Uzbek. Tatoeba 计划获得了音译的...
This Free translator can quickly translate from Persian to English and English to Persian words as well as complete sentences. Instant translation and the full validity of the words.- This App will be very useful to people studying a foreign language (travelers, students and everyone who raise ...
As for the different original languages, this essay is to analyses the possible problems we will meet when we translate the Chinese idioms into English ones. We can employ many ways for translating, such as literary translating; free translation, borrowing the existing English idioms, partially ...
Scian comes from an Indo-European root which gave us the word science (because knowledge is sharp, cutting, incisive) as well as words like schism. The Arabic sikiyn comes from Sumerian, via Akkadian and Aramaic, and it originally meant the paddle of a boat. It was borrowed into Maltese ...
The English flows too fluently compared to the original, subduing the unruly Aramaic, failing to render its untamed vibrancy. Moreover, since the translation is unaccompanied by a commentary, the symbolism remains impenetrable. Despite its shortcomings, I have learned much from consulting this ...
The fourth chapter focuses on Pico's most important follower, Johannes Reuchlin. Chapter Five summarizes Paolo Ricci's De coelesti agricultura and from it offers a translation of "Introduction to the Lore of the Cabalists or Allegorizers." This fifth chapter finishes with a survey of others ...
Mercy is a frequent translation of the Hebrew ra·chamimʹ and the Greek eʹle·os (verb, e·le·eʹo). 常译做“慈悲”的希伯来语名词是ra·chamimʹ拉汉因,希腊语名词是eʹle·os埃莱奥斯(动词e·le·eʹo埃莱埃奥)。 jw2019 It is also possible to use the infinitive/gerund...
As on Earth, precession will cause the solstices and equinoxes to cycle through the zodiac constellations over thousands and tens of thousands of years. 如同地球一樣,歲差會造成分點和至點在黃道星座上以數千年和萬年的的周期循環。 LASER-wikipedia2 The Aramaic Targum equates Mazzaroth with the...
The Aramaic Targum equates Mazzaroth with the maz·za·lohthʹ of 2 Kings 23:5, “constellations of the zodiac,” or “twelve signs, or, constellations.” 根据阿拉米语的《塔古姆》,Mazzaroth(玛查鲁)相当于列王纪下23:5中译做“黄道星座”或“黄道十二宫”的希伯来语maz·za·lohthʹ(马扎...