Matthew and Lorna make a bar chart. But Lorna is upset. “So many children come to school by car!” Nine children come by car. Only six children come on foot. “Most cars use petrol. It is bad for the environmen
这就是我,一个活泼开朗的小女孩。【Dinner for a Dragon】绘本简介小火龙肚子很饿,就问他的爸爸晚餐吃什么?于是龙爸爸带着他寻找食物。他们飞过了许多小山与大树,龙爸爸向小火龙指着兔子和松鼠,问他吃不吃,小火龙不肯;他们又飞过...
Reading for Jason although he may gets no time to listen now. Interesting stories which are suitable for children of grade one in middle school and above. 小故事进度说明: 1. The time capsule时间胶囊 2. The clever woman聪明女人始于第56集 ...
Reading Comprehension English Passage Plus Answers online app is designed for not only First Grade kids but also adults who learn English as a second language.…
Reading A Book Online With Questions Plus Answers application is designed for not only First Grade kids but also adults who learn English as a second language.…
862It's a long story 863tower the city by bus and by taxi 864I hope that you can drive us one day 865Coi ask if you've mentioned this to her 866i can hardly believe we are in the city 867Do you collect anything 868It's time to watch a cartoon 869We have play football for a...
Now with audio and and IELTS-style reading test. Many US presidents have come from humble roots. Gettysburg - the terrible battle. A dark page in US history - with four exercises and activities Awaiting the Big One. Another massive earthquake could hit California very soon The story of Ellis...
Access free English lessons (Grade 1 to 4 and Grade 5 to 10). Grammar lessons like singular and plural worksheets with answers in PDF format for easy learning.
With the development of socity,English plays an important role in everyday life.Therefore,learning English is necessary for us,but how can we learn English in everyday life? Firstly,there is no doubt that we must learn words.I always remember words by reading newspaper,so that I can learn...
2. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find out more about this news story. Share what you discover with your partner(s) in the next lesson. 3. MARATHONS: Make a poster about marathons. Show your work to your classmates in the next lesson. Did you all have similar things? 4. RUNNING: ...