The Weaving Maid flies in search of beauty's flaws, In heaven and on earth, they share a beautiful night. 百鸟群飞架彩桥, 牛郎赴约两肩挑。 织女飞天寻美瑕, 天上人间共良宵。 月令逢七,日序逢七。 双六为顺,重七兆吉。 天象使然,地理如是。 上古时代,有一故事。 牛郎织女,恩爱夫妻。 男子耕耘...
American Poems About Love, American Love Poems, american poems about nature, american haiku poems, american poems about war - Welcome to Famous Writers. Here you will find Famous Poets Bio, Picture, Poems, and so on... (american poems about lif
English Poems, Life of Pico, The Last ThingsMore
All about English poems... 给自己一点时间,静下来。 阅读经典之作,感受英语之美。 主播:Andrea 主播简介:一个一直在搞英语工作的英语爱好者。 【英语小站】微信小程序创办人。 【英语小站】一个读英语诗的地方。 【英语读诗会】主理人。微信:ymd7025 更多全部 ...
Two English Poems I by Jorge Luis Borges The useless dawn finds me in a deserted street-corner; I have outlived the night.Nights are proud waves; darkblue topheavy wavesladen with all the hues of deep spoil, laden withthings unlikely and desirable.Nights have a habit of mysterious gifts ...
All about English poems... 给自己一点时间,静下来。 阅读经典之作,感受英语之美。 主播:Andrea 主播简介:一个一直在搞英语工作的英语爱好者。 【英语小站】微信小程序创办人。 【英语小站】一个读英语诗的地方。 【英语读诗会】主理人。微信:ymd7025打开...
As well as his trenchantly sardonic poems about aspects of modern life, Larkin was also a great nature poet, and The Trees is a fine brief lyric about the cycle of the seasons but also the sense that each spring is not just a rebirth, but also a reminder of death. 本诗首次出现在...
Two English PoemsⅡ byJorge Luis Borges What can I hold you with? I offer you lean streets, desperate sunsets, the moon of the jagged suburbs. I offer you the bitterness of a man who has looked long and long at the lonely moon. ...
Life Love of life Poems about nature Wildlife Joy of life Death Read moreabout A Song of Joys Lines Written in an Album, at Malta. Lord George Gordon Byron 1. As o'er the cold sepulchral stone Somenamearrests the passer-by;
A FEW SIMPLE FORMS OF ENGLISH POEMS[1]There are varou reasons why peope composeD poetry. Somepoems tella story or describe a certain image② in the reader's mind.Otherstry to convey③ certain feelngs such as joy and sorrow④. Theditinctive⑤ charactriticsof potry often include economical...