Entries are arranged in straight alphabetical order, regardless of whether any given entry consists of one word or more, thus: direct current direction directional direction board direct observation.The only exceptions to straight alphabetical order are a limited number of phrases which the reader would...
9 DIN EN 15522-2-2022 2022-06-01 German,English Oil spill identification - Petroleum and Petroleum related products - Part 2: Analytical methodology and interpretation of results based on GC-FID and GC-low resolution-MS analyses; German and English version prEN 15522-2:2022 10 DIN EN IEC 61...
Selbst die Interpretation seiner Werke sucht er über die CD-Produktion und die von ihm geleiteten Workshops und konzertanten Aufführungen zu beeinflussen. Mit seinem „Renaissance-man approach to the business of making music“ widersetzt sich Rutter erfolgreich allen Usancen des ...
9 DIN EN 15522-2-2022 2022-06-01 German,English Oil spill identification - Petroleum and Petroleum related products - Part 2: Analytical methodology and interpretation of results based on GC-FID and GC-low resolution-MS analyses; German and English version prEN 15522-2:2022 10 DIN EN IEC 61...