equivalent Erscheinung: 1. appearance | 2. vision Erste Hilfe: 1. first aid | 2. first aid Ersuchen: 1. request Ertrag: 1. income | 2. gain, profit Erwerb: 1. accession, acquisition, asset Erwägung: 1. consideration, deliberation Erwähnung: 1. mention Erz: 1. bronze Erzbischof...
Thus, although the literal translation of Entwicklung would be "development," a study of the German operations manual reveals that Entwicklung follows Entfaltung ("development") and hence is the equivalent of "deployment." Translations have been provided (generally with a note of explanation) only w...
83 DIN EN 17844-2022 2022-06-01 German,English Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances - Determination of the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) - Gas chromatographic method with mass spectrometric det...
The equivalent of three battalions qre thus mobilized despite chronic transmission problems. At this time, the Japanese forces on Guadalcanal, concentrated in the western part of the island, are comprised of the 2nd Infantry Division (16th and 29th Regiments, divisional units - engi...
A. KatritzkyStefanelo Botarga and Pickelhering: Fishy Italian and English Stage Clowns in Spain and GermanyJuliet’s wishful pronouncement on the name of the rose applies even less to comic stage names than to flowers.1 Cultural expectations shape every aspect of our per-ceptions, and the ...