English horn n. A double-reed woodwind instrument similar to but larger than the oboe and pitched lower by a fifth. [Translation of Frenchcor anglais, perhaps alteration ofcor anglé,bent horn (from the curved crook to which the mouthpiece is attached):cor,horn+anglé,bent.] ...
喇叭in English: 1. horn Tom played an old Irish song on his new French horn. The truck driver used his horn to warn the cyclists he was coming up behind them. Goats have two horns. Tom spent a lot of time trying to learn how to play the French horn. ...
horn in English: 1. horn Tom played an old Irish song on his new French horn. The truck driver used his horn to warn the cyclists he was coming up behind them. Goats have two horns. Tom spent a lot of time trying to learn how to play the French horn. Nobody likes him, because...
1. (person who plays the French horn) a. trompista The horn players need to articulate that phrase a bit more clearly.Los trompistas tienen que articular esa frase un poco más claramente. b. trompa Let's go back to measure 37, because the horn players missed their entrance there.Vo...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishRelated topics:MusicˌFrench ˈhorn(alsohornespecially British English)noun[countable]amusicalinstrumentmade ofbrass, that iscurvedroundinto acirclewith awideopening at one end Pictures of the day ...
the thing in avehiclethat you use to make aloudsound as asignalorwarningsound/toot/honk/blow your horn(=make a noise with your horn)3musical instrument[countable]a)amusicalinstrumentlike a longmetaltubethat iswideat one end, that you play byblowingb)informalatrumpetc)aFrench hornd)a ...
definition|English Collocations|Conjugator|in Spanish|in French|in context|images horn WordReference English Thesaurus © 2025 Sense:Noun: wind instrument Synonyms: wind instrument,brass instrument,trumpetCollocations,cornet,bugle,French horn,flugelhorn,electric horn,air horn,foghorn,car horn,Klaxon(tradema...
Karen obtained A levels in English, French, and Geography. ...an English lesson. People who come from England are sometimes referred to as the English. The English love privacy. You can sometimes refer to a group of English people, for example supporters of the England football team, as th...
Frenchman; French person 法国航空公司 fǎguó hángkōnggōngsī Air France 法国法郎 fǎguó fǎláng French franc 法国号 fǎguó hào French horn Words With Same Tail Word NoneDerived Words or Phrases Sign-inSimilar-sounding Words Sign-inNew...
Translations forcap-hornierin the French»English Dictionary cap-hornier[kapɔʀnje]Nm 1. cap-hornier(voilier): cap-hornier clipperwhichhasfollowedtheCapeHornroute 2. cap-hornier(marin): cap-hornier sailorwhohassailedtheCapeHornroute