Also consider the descriptions of the French horn and the trumpet given earlier. 请也考虑一下上文就法国号和小号的描述。 jw2019 You may not agree that a French horn sounds portentous. 例如,你也许不觉得法国号的乐音深沉肃穆,反而略嫌它带点吵闹和轻浮;你可能认为小号的乐音倒是深情款款的。
Vincent Van Horn Viraj Juneja Virginia Gardner Virginia Gilbert VITA & VIRGINIA Vivieno Caldinelli VMI Releasing WAITING FOR YOU Waleed Elgadi WAR BLADE WASTELANDS Watch Now Wayne Newton WE We Still Die The Old Way Welsh Horror Wendy Mitchell WHITETAILE Whodunnit WILD...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishRelated topics:MusicˌFrench ˈhorn(alsohornespecially British English)noun[countable]amusicalinstrumentmade ofbrass, that iscurvedroundinto acirclewith awideopening at one end Pictures of the day ...
French ˈhornSAM. Frenchhorn rogm. spol French ˈlet·terSAM.brit. angl.avstral. angl.pog.dated Frenchletter kondomm. spol Primeri uporabe besede French Frenchkiss francoskipoljub Frenchwindow vratnaokna Frenchpeople Francozi Frenchlesson ...
French horn “French horn”的中文翻译 词典解释 固定词组 ph. 1. 【音】(管身成涡旋形,号嘴似漏斗的)法国号 相关词语 Frenchhorn
Horn RJ. Advance directives in English and French law: different con- cepts, different values, different societies. Health Care Anal. 2014; 22: 59-72.Horn R. Advance directives in English and French law: Different concepts, different values, differ- ent societies. Health Care Analysis 2012;...
saxhornin the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors) saxhornin the Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary American English Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors) French Le son se situe entre le cor d'harmonie et le saxhorn et se rapproche plus...
ph. 1. 【音】(管身成涡旋形,号嘴似漏斗的)法国号 生辰测算手机吉凶2025年运势一生财运 性别: 男女 生日: 立即测试》 立即测试 立即测试 立即测试 2025流年运势 八字合婚配对 十年爱情桃花 八字一生运程 手机号码吉凶 心理测试大全 广告x
I almost never honk my horn anymore. Not even when someone’s about to hit me. Not even if the person in front of me at the stoplight is so absorbed in their cell phone that they miss the green light. Because in our One Nation, Under Guns, 44 people are shot and killed or wounded...
The French Horn; Some Notes on the Evolution of the Instrument and of Its Technique The French horn : some notes on the evolution of the instrument and of its technique R. Morley-Pegge (Instruments of the orchestra) E. Benn , W. W. Norton... E London,R Morley-Pegge,R Gregory - 《...